Greeting the Guests

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That morning, the Phantom Thieves got to work. There was no hesitation or second thoughts. What was about to happen was necessary, and if they failed all hope was lost. They had until evening to complete the task. Even if it took until the last second possible, the teens were willing to fight. It was the only way to resolve the issue, no matter how much they loved their friend. This wasn't exactly their friend they would fight, after all. This Shadow was a manifestation of the worst qualities. The Phantom Thieves had witnessed how unfriendly he could be. No change was expected.

"This is it," Morgana said. "Is everyone prepared? Once we enter, there is no going back."

The Phantom Thieves nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's enter the Metaverse and end this once and for all."

They opened the Metaverse Navigator and were transported to Ren's palace. They once again appeared on the road in front of the theater, no traffic in sight. It stormed once again, rain pouring in thick streams from above. The crowds of people that had once flocked the theater were gone.

"It appears to be safe to cross," Yusuke breathed.

The teens began to cross the road.

"So, you've managed a path to the treasure?"

They stopped and looked up to find Joker sitting on top of the traffic light. He grinned down at them, the familiar white mask on his face.

"That mask..." Ann murmured. "It wasn't there before..."

"Are you sure that you want to go through with this?" Joker asked, the grin disappearing and a serious expression taking its place. "One wrong move and you could kill him."

"Why do you refer to yourself in the third person?" Morgana shot back. "Quit the act, this isn't some play."

"You all know how the Metaverse works. I'm not the real Ren, we're two separate people. I, being his Shadow, cannot refer to myself as... him."

"Do you think you can convince us to change our minds?" Haru questioned. "If you have the same knowledge as Ren, then you would know why we want to change his heart."

"Oh, I know that," Joker stated, shifting. "That's not the problem. At this point in the story, Ren knows exactly what is happening. He knows that you're here right now, in the Metaverse. And he has a plan."

"He's running away, isn't he?" Ann inquired.

"Not necessarily. At least, not at the moment. He's still contemplating, waiting for approval."

"Approval?" Yusuke quizzed.

"It's nothing noteworthy. Definitely details that can be skipped. Actions must be justified, and lately he's been questioning it."

"Why are you waiting outside?" Haru asked. "Wouldn't you want to guard the treasure?"

"The treasure? It's well hidden, I doubt you'll find it or even consider it as treasure." Joker shifted again and stared down at the Phantom Thieves. "I would like to ask one thing though. As I am just a Shadow and not the real thing, I would like to know of the outside world. Reality. It appears that you are... missing a few members. Tell me, is this due to traversing the palace?"

"Of course, this place is so dangerous-" Morgana started.

"I see..." Joker breathed, cutting him off. "This is because of the Phantom Thieves, is it not? Injuries and even deaths have resulted from your persistence in stealing the hearts of the fallen..."

"That's not-"

Joker drew his dagger and rose.

"Very well, then. Steal the treasure, if you can." A wild look spread across his face. "Do your worst."

With that, he leaped into the Shadows and disappeared from sight. 

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