Once So Close

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"You've been hiding this from me this whole time?"

Ann winced. There was still more she hadn't told Ren, like the fact that indeed he had a Palace, or their encounter with Akechi. She didn't think he could take it.

"You've been keeping your own secrets, man!" Ryuji interrupted. "We're not gonna push you or anything, but you're being a hypocrite right now."

Ren looked up, a bit annoyed. "The Metaverse concerns me as well. As for my own problems, they're nothing you need to be informed on."

Ryuji leaned back, rubbing his neck and looking away. "Yeah, yeah. Totally. We get it. But... we don't want you jumping in there too early, okay? We should go together."

"Of course," Ren mumbled. "Have you guys entered yet?"

"No, we don't have any names to go off of," Ann lied, rubbing her arm.

"I hope Boss and Futaba get back soon," Ren sighed. "I want to get the heck out of here."

"I mean, right?" Ryuji exclaimed. "You must be bored."

"I've... mostly been occupied with thoughts," Ren admitted.

"Is it something you can tell us?" Ann questioned. "We're here if you need someone to listen."

"I... don't think I want to."

"Okay, that's fine. Just... let us know, okay?"

Ren stared at the shuddered window.

"You're lying."

Ann nearly jumped. She looked over at Ryuji. He had the same worried expression that she wore.

"Why do you say that?" Ryuji coughed out.

"You said you'd take care of the Shadows. As if you've been in before."

Ren turned to them. "I tapped on the Metaverse app just barely without needing to input any information, and it let me in. That is, unless you haven't tried to use it, I bet out of curiosity you would have tapped on it."

"You don't have to input anything?" Ann swallowed.

"Will you tell me the truth?" Ren pleaded. "I need to know. Who's palace was it?"

"I uh... Well, we don't know the name," Ryuji said. "We didn't need a name to enter either."

Ren's brow furrowed. "You're both hiding something. Your expressions and the way you're talking, completely contradicting what the other said without even realizing it..."

"Oh, crap, I'm going to be late!" Ryuji suddenly exclaimed, looking at his phone. "My mom's going to kill me..."


Ren's stern voice made Ryuji freeze. It almost sounded like Ren's shadow.

"I'm sorry, Ren-ren..." Ryuji sighed. "I wish I could visit longer, but-"

"Do you need help digging that hole a little deeper?"

Ryuji turned around and pulled Ann to her feet.

"Look, we've got to go. I'm sorry. We'll be here later this week to talk to you if you're not better by then, okay man?"

Ren's face flushed with anger. "Ryuji, you better not-"

"Bye Ren! See you later!" Ann hastily said as Ryuji shut the door.

The two quickly walked down the halls and out of the hospital. They turned into an alley and stopped there.

"Do you think he's getting worse?" Ryuji finally asked.

"We should call the others and go check," Ann told him.

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