Metaverse Navigator App- It's Back

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Ryuji watched as the door slammed shut right as Morgana walked out.

"Well, now we all know how that turned out..." he sighed.

"Hey, you shut it!" Morgana shouted. "He just needs a moment is what he said!"

"But are you sure about that?" Futaba questioned. "Because it doesn't look like it..."

"Should we go and check on him?" Ann asked.

Just then, the cafe door opened, revealing Makoto, Haru, and Yusuke.

"Greetings," Yusuke announced loudly. "We have arrived!"

Everyone stared dejectedly at them.

"Is... something the matter?" Makoto questioned.

"Ren's a little..." Morgana started.

"Agitated," Futaba finished.

"Is he alright?" Haru questioned. "Other than that?"

"The kid's been through a lot," Sojiro sighed, scratching his head. "I'm not sure if he's coming out anytime soon."

"And he won't be," a voice said.

Time seemed to freeze, and everyone turned to see a girl standing in front of the door that led to the attic.

"Who in the-?" Ryuji started. He then stopped. "This girl again?"

The girl bowed. "I'm not surprised that you don't remember my name now... I am Lavenza."

"Lavenza..." Ann repeated. "Is something wrong?"

"It seems that his heart and desires have become distorted..." Lavenza began. "I was hoping that he'd draw away from such a fate."

"Wait, what?!?" Ryuji cried. "Hold on, what are you talking about, miss?"

"I speak of the wildcard, the one of many personas." Lavenza continued. "Ren Amamiya... It appears that he has fallen after his rehabilitation."

"Fallen?" Makoto asked. "Are you saying...?"

"She's definitely implying that Ren might have a palace and that the Metaverse is back." Yusuke stated aloud.

Lavenza nodded. "Indeed. It is sad to think about, but in turn, it is the truth. Listen, and heed my words. You are the Phantom Thieves. You've stolen and changed many hearts. It is not right of me to ask this favor of you, but I have no choice. You must change the heart of your fallen leader."

"We don't have the Metaverse app anymore, so, how do we do that?" Makoto quizzed.

"I'd start figuring that out if I were you."

Time unfroze, and the Phantom Thieves sat there, dazed and confused.

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