Peace of Mind

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Ann wiped her eyes as she tried not to cry anymore. Futaba sat curled up in the booth next to her, her glasses set on the table. Sojiro offered them some coffee but the girls refused. He turned around and went back to washing dishes, trying to keep himself busy. Morgana was curled up on the counter, no one telling him to climb down. The soul of the Phantom Thieves had died out. No one else was in the cafe but the four.

Ann and Ryuji were apart. Everyone was separated. This was the last time Ann planned to look at this place for a while. LeBlanc had served as their hideout long ago. But that was then. The present was grim and the future was unfathomable. Ann slowly stood up, finally moving after hours. She didn't say a word as she walked out the door, glancing back at the door one last time. Ren had faked his death once. He hadn't done so twice. Ann put her hands in the pockets of her hoodie and stepped out into the rain. She was reminded of that day when she'd first met him. Standing in the rain outside the subway station. Back before she knew his name or what impact he would have in her life.

She stared up at the rain and pondered the events of the past few years. Ann found her tears mixing with the droplets falling from the sky. They fell to the puddles at her feet as she pulled her hood over her head. Walking out into the city, she passed people carrying umbrellas. The mix of dull colors blurred in her head as she made her way to that grassy field.

Bending down, she pulled out an umbrella and held it over the spot.

"...I wish I was a better friend," Ann spoke. "I wish I was able to see what you had been going through. And now it's hard for all of us. We all feel the pain you had felt in your heart. We witnessed it. So... I'll keep my head up for you. I remember how you helped me. Helped each and every one of us. I... was the first person you met here. I thought you were such a brat at first. Trying to make everyone's cases worse."

She sat down on the freezing, soaked stone.

"What was your inspiration all along? I've lost my friends. I know what it is like to be lonely. Understanding individual struggles is hard but whatever you were going through... you tried to stop your own self-destruction. And I know that... time doesn't wait for anyone. It wasn't pills for you. This addiction was... different. I... I was too scared to help you. Too scared to stop you. I noticed you heading down that path and I didn't say a word. And now I feel this heavy guilt. I feel so stupid..."

Ann covered her face with her hands, her lip quivering.

"You listened to that protective voice in your head. You did what you thought was right and I'm so proud of you. But you fought hard. You fought so hard..." Her voice cracked and the tears flowed freely. She sniffed and broke down. "You fought so hard and I'm proud of you...! E-Even if you're not here now, you completed your life mission... Rest easy now, leader... Find your place among the stars..."

She stood and kissed the tombstone before wiping her eyes, staring down at the letters engraved.

"I'll keep my faith until the day the stars align... Until we are all reunited in sleep at last..."

As she walked away, a stray cat walked over to the grave and rubbed against the mask engraved on the stone. It purred for a moment as it watched Ann leave before curling up under the umbrella left tilted against the marker.

"Even in sleep, you still help and inspire..."

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