Chapter 23

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This book will be ending soon so expect for there to be time jumps and stuff. 

Rebecca POV

As I'm reading my script something catches my attention.

"I'm not interested in facing you at hell in a cell. I'm interested in destroying you inside hell in a cell"


My eyes get wide and my breath start to get shaky. My mind begins to wander to mick getting thrown off hell in a cell. Or when Shane jumped off. That's no joke.

What if something happens to me? What if I get hurt? What if my career ends after this match?

"Becks did you heart what I said?" Colby says taking a seat next me. I lift my head up and turn my head towards him.

"No love i didn't. Can you repeat your self?" He furrows his brows in confusion.

"Babe what's wrong?" He says taking a seat next me. I put my head down and play with my engagement ring. He puts his index finger under my chin and lifts my face up to face him.

I sigh looking his brown eyes. The eyes that I can't lie to.

"I just read my script and it says that I have to challenge cades to a match inside hell in a cell." I pause waiting for his reaction. His face changes from confusion to worry. "And I'm concerned that something will go left and I'll get hurt badly like Mercedes and mick did." He presses his thumb under my eye and wipes a tear that I didn't know even there.

"Baby if you this concerned then tell them you don't want I do it." He says moving his hand from my face to my hand.

"No I can't. Because this is the first woman's hell in a cell match in what 3 years". And they need women to do this. I have to." I say.

"I know that Becky wants to do this. But Rebecca doesn't." He says. I sigh. "I don't want to get really hurt. I can take chair shots and get hit with kendo sticks and take bumps. But getting shit with a ladder or hit with steel." I stop talking and just look at him. "Colby can you be honest with me?" I ask him. He nods. "What's it like in there?"

"Well Jon and I talked about what we were gonna do. Same with me a Owens. So if you do decide to do this talk to Mercedes about the match and what y'all wanna do." He says.

"Well that makes me feel better. If we talk about it." He rubs my hand. "I think I'm gonna do it." I say. He nods.

"I'll help u as much as I can." He says.

"That's baby." I say pecking his lips a few times.

"Ew gross!" We hear someone say. We pull away and see Pam. "I went away from sarath and Mercado Because they were kissing and I go to find you and your doing the same thing!" He says rubbing her temples. "I'm gonna go find Ashley. I swear if she and Andrade are kissing I'm going to scream." She says walking away.  He and I start to laugh.

"Hey Becky?"I hear someone behind me say. I turn and see one of the camera people. "Can we do your promo now?" I breathe in and out and if my head. I peck Colbys lips once more before getting up to leave. As I'm walking a I hear a blood  curling scream. I laugh lowly as I remember what Pam said.

Colby POV

"You nervous?" I ask becks. She nods her head playing with her engagement ring. "Look at me." I say softly. She does and I see fear in her eyes. "Your going to be fine. Trust me."

"Becks!" We hear Mercedes say. We both look away from one another and see Mercedes. She's wearing a new purple colored gear. Honestly might be one of my favorite gears she has. 

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