Chapter 1

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Rebecca Pov

Ever since I turned on Ashley at summerslam, The world loved me! It wasn't planned but I was just fed up with living in a shadow. Now if you asked her she'll say "If anyone knows what its like to grow up in a shadow, it's me". I just roll my eyes. I've said I was sorry for ruining her Summer slam moment and she forgave me. Now she just has to share the spotlight with another wrestler. The powers of be wanted me to be a heel after that, but for some reason the fans didn't buy it. The fans have always been behind me and for that I'm greatful. 

Right now I'm back stage in catering with Trinity and Joe. Were watching the Fatu's and Miz and Morrison battle for the tag team titles. As much as I like Mike, I want Jon and Josh to retain. Besides the new day their the best tag team on smack down right now. Since Raw and Smackdown are in the same arena this week, alot of the Raw roster are here as well. I'm eating some grapes while watching the match. Trin has had her eyes glued to the Screen since their match started. I get it, thats her husband and all. If I had a boyfriend in WWE I would probably watch their match without saying a word to anybody. But I'm not that into anybody at the moment. Since me and Luke broke up a couple months ago, I've been more focused on my carrer than a man. 

"Yo what up Uce!". I hear joe yell from beside me. To be completly honest, it scared the crap out of me. I jumped out of my chair a little bit,earning a chuckle from Joe.  I glare at him and hit his tattooed arm. 

"You scared the hell out of me!" I say after I'm done hitting him. He rubs the area where I hit him as he makes a pained face. Trin giggles a little bit. 

"Ouch! Bexs that hurt!" I smirk to myself,a little proud that I hurt the samoan bad-ass Roman Reigns. 

I turn my head to see who he yelled at and it was Colby. Of course it was him, there are only so many people that he calls Uce. Those people would be Jon(dean), Josh,Colby,and Jon(Jimmy). Colby heads over to our table and takes a seat next to me. I move over a little bit so he could have some wiggle room. 

"YES!" Trin yells suddenly which makes the whole room look towards our table. Just as I'm about to ask what happened, Colby taps my shoulder, I look towards him and he jerks his head toward the Screen,letting me know that Jon and Josh retained their titles. She sure does love when her hubby wins. I used to love it when Luke won his matches,it made him so happy. 

As soon as their match is over I go to leave. I have a match against Daria. I feel a pair fo hands grab my wrist which causes me to look up. 

"Where ya going?" He asks me once he let goes of my wrist. He and I have been friends since I moved up to the main roaster. I told him my life story and how I stopped wreslting for 7 years and took alot of odd jobs to please my mom. The whole time I was sitting their talking to him he was just sitting there eatting. We've been close ever since. A couple years, maybe even months ago I was going to him crying wondering if my carrer was ever going to take off. If people were going to care about me if I left. But then summerslam happened and here i am.

"I have a match against Daria. Don't worry as soon as I win, Ill come find you. Try not to miss me too much " I say rubbing his arm.  He rolls his eyes laughing. He shoots me a smile and a good luck before I leave for my match. 

Colby Pov

As soon as Bexs leaves Joe looks at me with a look. I'm a bit taken back by the look to be honest. 

"what?" I ask him. He looks around him and leans in close to my ear. This must be important if he only want me to know. I hope everything is okay with Galina and Jojo. As well as the twins. There his whole world. 

"when did you start liking Bexs?" I almost choke on the air i'm breathing. I look at him with wide eyes. Now yes I have been crushing on Rebecca for a couple weeks and I haven't told anybody yet. I wanted to make sure I wasn't just looking for a rebound but I don't think it is. She is funny and she the first woman to get on a personal level. Sarah never understood how important wreslting was to me and how It it felt to win a championship. But Bexs does. 

"couple weeks."I say like its nothing. 

"A couple weeks? And you didn't tell me? Were supposed to be brothers!" He says pushing my arm . I roll my eyes. "are you gonna tell her?" He asks me making me look directly at him. I shake my head. He looks at me shocked. When ever I like a girl I go and get them. But Bexs is diffrent. So she deserves to be treated diffrentlly. I shrug my shoulder and Look at Rebeccas match and just in time too. She has Daria in the dis-armer. Not long after she's in the hold, does she tap out. Bexs bounces up and the ref hold her arm up as her music blasts. 

"your winner of this match by submission, Becky Lynch!." The crowd cheers her name as she does her rope thing. They love them some Becky Lynch. Once she gets backstage The first thing she does is sit next to me, with a huge smile on her face. For some reason I smile back harder. I see Joe raises his eyebrows at us which makes me stop smile and looking up at him. 

"Are you guys excited for Christmas?" Jon and Josh ask once they sit at the table with some food. We all nod and have smiles on our faces like chidren. 

"I'm ready to go back to Dublin and see my family. Espeiclly my dad." We all nod. Her dad was recently diognosed with cancer and Rebecca took it hard. After all it's her father and they've always been so close. It reminds me of how I am with my mom. She always supported me with wrestling and has been my biggest fan from as long as I can remember. 

"The best part of Christmas for me is when the kids come downstairs and open their presents. Their little eyes light up. It's the best feeling." I hear jon and Josh agree with him. I really do want kids in the future, But i've never found the right woman to start a family with. 

Rebecca Pov

As much as I know I shouldn't, I think I like Colby. He always has my back and has been my shoulder to cry on whenever I needed him.  I would be on the phone with him or backstage with him bawling my eyes out. As much as Luke tried to consoule me he didn't understand. He was one of the top fighters in UFC. He doesn't understand how hard it was for me being friends with Ric Flairs daughter and trying to get out of her shadow but I was always in it. His smile and his looks don't help at all either. And the fact that he doesn't wrestle with a shirt on is amazing for me. I love seeing him without a shirt on---WOAH WAIT. Rebecca remember who your talking about. He's your best friend. He probably doesn't even like you in that way, and if he ever found out and he didn't feel the same way, it would ruin out friendship. But what if he did the same way. I have so much going on right now. With my dad and his cancer and now this. Oh god help me. 

Hi guys

So this is my new book about Brollins. (For those who don't know what Brollins stands for, it is a mix of Becky and Rollins.)

I started a fan account a couple days ago and it has almost 400 followers. Thats insane. Go follow if you dont. The name is rawisbecky.

Today  my grandfather passed away. He had demtenta and on Sunday he wasn't doing good. So on Tuesday He went to the Hospital which was hard enough. We found out he had pneumonia and a blood clot in his leg. Then today as 4:30pm we got the call. I know he's peaceful and not in pain anymore. I wasn't going to write or Post this at all today but today I'm in better spirts so here is the first chapter. 

I didn't edit or proof read this chapter

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