Chapter 11

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Rebecca pov

I wake up to see Colby peacfully sleeping next to me. His mouth is open slightly with hair on top of his face. His breaths make his hair blow up and go in the air. Moments later his eyes flutter open and the first thing he does is look over at me. I send him a smile which he gladly returns. He turns from his back and lays on his side so he can look at me without have to lay his neck. 

"You feel better?" he ask referring to my rant yesterday. I nod my head. 

"I just get like that before major paper-per-views and events." I say shyly. He rubs the pads of his thumbs along my cheeks which makes me blush a little bit. 

"awww." He says. I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist. I press my lips softly on his. He press on hand on my butt to deepen the kiss. It's moments like these that make me happy I returned to wrestling. If i didn't have this dream I wouldn't have met the love of my life. I wouldn't be the biggest star in the company. I wouldn't be maineventing wrestlmania in a couple hours. We pull away with our foreheads touching. Breathless. 

"I love you." He says,his brown eyes looking into mine. 

"I love you more." I say smirking.

"Impossible." He says doing that quriky smile he always does.

"Possible." I say giggling. He laughs and pecks my lips. Both of our alarms  go off and we groan. Dumb alarms. We back away from each other and turn them off. Guess now it's time to start the day. 

Colby pov

"They just left us."  I say referring to the camera crew. They are fliming a WWE:24 for mania thid year like they've been doing for the past few years. 

"They did just leave us." Rebecca says. 

"They just mic'd us and left us." 

"That seems werid." she turns her head."Oh no there looking at us."  I look in the direction she looks in and see the camera crew standing there. I laugh lightly. Once we get situated we walk to the cars. They asked us if we want one car to two. Were both like one. Like please let us ride together. I get in the car first and wait for Rebecca. I'm on my phone checking the time when she appears in front of me. 

"Do you want on the window side or me?" She asks stratching her arm. I move over towards the window and she sits next to me. She's filming a 24 and I'm filming a 365 and were both a part of this WM 35: 24. Once I see met life i remember thats where I had my mania debut with Joe and Jon. It was aganist, Randy orton, Daniel Bryan, and big show. I lightly elbow Bexs so she can turn and look at me. 

"Site of my first wrestlemania." I say looking at it. She looks at it and her eyes look glossy. This is the site of the mania where she makes history. "what do you think? Get a lil- get a lil lick." 

"It's very large." she says which makes both of us laugh. Her laugh is so adorable and cute. It makes me love her even more. 

We get out the car and she bounces out the car. 

"here we now." She says which makes me chuckle slightly. We get our bags and walk to the bulding. 

"Ah!." She says which makes me look at her. She laughs. "Did you see me?" She says with a giggle in her throat. I shake my head smiling. Once we get to the entrence I let her go first then I follow. 

Rebecca pov

I see Colby run past me as I'm trying on gear. He looks scared. 

"Lopez!" I shout which makes him look at me. He jogs back over to me.

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