Chapter 15

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(A//N : That is my fave photo of them. It looks so intimate and loving. And to those Brollins haters saying that Becky doesn't love Seth or its fake. Heres proof that they are in love. And if you don't believe me then suck!"

Rebecca pov

"Lopez!" I yell from my make-up chair. Colby turns around and walks in my direction. A smile on his face. 

"hey Becks. Whats up?"He says taking my hand in his." It's still kind of werid that everyone knows were dating. It's kind of a good thing so we don't have to lie to everyone but I've never been with someone that I've worked. So I don't really know what to do. 

"Your not doing anything after the show are you?" I ask. His smile soon fades. I lift my eye brow in confusion. "colby?" He told me he didn't have anything to do after the show. Did he lie to me?

"Austin asked me to film a video fo upupdowndown." He says. I sigh. UgH! He rubs the back of my hand. 

"hannah can you give us a moment?" I ask the make-up artist. She nods her head. "I want to say that I want to wait but I know you won't let me." 

"well were gonna see one another at the hotel."

"yeah but the moment my head hits the pillow I'm gonna be out." I say irriated. "C we haven't see each other in weeks" I say putting my face in my hands,cafeful not to smear my freshly done makeup. Colby crouches down to my level and removes my hands from my face. 

"You think I like the idea of being away from you? Espcially as long as we have been. I just don't want you to be worn out after tonight. I know what it's like to have to defend 2 titles in one night and trust me it's tiring." 

"im staying." i say stubbon. He nods his head. He kisses the top of my head and walks away. 

colby pov

We just finshed the upupdowndown video and the end was crazy. I don't even know how to feel to be honest. Becks was staying in the womans locker room. I told her I'd go get her when we were done. 

"what time is it? I ask tony. He checks his watch. 

"2;30". He leans into my ear. "she waiting for you?" I nod my head. "man she's a keeper." He says slightly elbowing me. I chuckle. He is so right. 

I go in the locker room and see her fast asleep on the couch. I smile. I lift her up and she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She nuzzles her face in her neck. She reminds me of a koala. I'm able to turn her around so she's on my back. I don't feel like the guys talking shit and making fun of my right now. I walk out the room,with becks on my back.  Woods takes a photo. I give him a questionable look? 

"what it'll be good for a wedding montage one day." He says. We all laugh. 

"could one of you guys get the bags? I don't want to wake her up." They nod. They all go in the locker room while I walk us to the bed. I really hope there arent any fans waiting for us. I don't feel like it right now. 

I reach the car and put her in the back seat. Tony puts the bags in the trunk and hops in the car. Then we start to drive to the hotel. 

once we got to the hotel we did our nightime routine. The got into bed and cuddled. She lays her head on my chest and wraps her leg about my waist. I wrap my arm around her back and rub it gently. 

"your the best pillow." she says snuggling more  into my chest. It causes my to chuckle. 

"I know." I say kissing the top of her head. She fell asleep soon after and so did I shortly after. 

Rebecca pov

"What does he say in the segment?" I ask Colby. He just told me that Paul and Him have a segment. He also told me that they want to refrence our relationship on tv. 

"I forget exactly what he has to say but it's something like waiting for your girlfriend to main-event something like that. I'm not exactly sure". I play with my red dyed hair. I do that when I'm nervours. 

"I can tell them not to. If your not comtoable with it I can tell them no." I shake my head. 

"no it's fine. I promise. " This isn't that bad right? It's not like they're forcing us in a storyline or anything. 

"knock,knock." We hear. It's Paul. I wave him in. 

"Hey I was just about to go see you." Colby says. 

"well now you don't. The writers need an answer." 

"Well Becks and I deceided that the refecnce is alright." 

"ok I just wanted to make sure. You guys know how writers can be. " We nod.

"Yeah they aren't very subtle when it comes to relationships." they both nod. 

once paul left he took his hand in mine. I look up at him since he's a bit more taller than me. 

"are you sure it doesn't bother you love?" I shake my head. 

"as long as it doesn't bother you. And make our relationship sound like shit then I'm fine with it." He laughs and kisses the top of my head. 

Hi guys

Sorry this chapter is kind of short

For those of you that Live in America (like myself) I wish you guys a happy thanksgivng tmr

I don't have much to say today for some reason

I didn't edit or proof read this chapter

Tell friend's to read💞and click the star☆at the bottom💘and don't forget to follow💕


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