Chapter 5

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Colby pov

Today is the Monday after the Rumble. Its the night That I have to choose who I want to face at Wrestlemania. I can either face Bryan (Daniel Bryan) or Brock Lesner. The smart choice would be Daniel since were around the same age,weight,and height. Not to mention our ring style is about the same too. But I've been WWE champion twice but I've never been universal Chamption before. If I choose Brock then I could get really hurt and not win at all. If I choose bryan then It could be an iteresting match. Running my hands though my hair, a heavy sigh leaves my mouth. This is a tough decsion. It could make or break wither I have a wrestlemania moment or not. 

"Hey stranger," A familiar female voice says. I look up and see Rebecca standing in front of me. Seeing her face brings me more comfort. She limps in front of me. 

"How's your leg?" I ask once she's closer to me. It's in a knee brace and her face looks like she's in discomfot. 

"It's fine. The doctor cleared me but Steph wants  to make it into a minor storyline." She says. "he just says that I shouldn't be in any phyiscal activity for a week". I nod. At least she's fine. It would suck it would suck if she couldn't compete at  wresltemania. Espicially after winning the royal rumble. I should know. I had to watch Joe go on a win in the mainevent wrestlemania back in 2016. 

"Why are you here?" I ask just remebering that she's on smackdown but she's here at raw. 

"Oh because the champion I'm choosing is here." My mouth drops. Ronda. She's choosing Ronda Fucking Rousey! 

"Um babe,shes undefeated right now". I remind her. Maybe she doesn't know and just needed to be reminded. 

"I know that. The only reason she's undeated is because theres no one here that can step up to the challenge. But me" She says pointing at herself. 

"How about you? Who are you going to choose?" I srug my shoulders. I sit on one of the boxes, putting my hands on my knees. 

"want my opinion?" She says rubbing her hand though my hair. It causes me to look up at her beautiful brown eyes. I remove her hand from my hair and replace it with my hand. "Choose brock. It could be painful but imagine if you won the universal championship. You know no one in this company or fans out there like or respect him. The champions of wwe need to be at live events to see fans and inspire them. And Brock lesner does not inspire people. As she's talking I rub the back of her hair. " and thats one of the reasons why I'm challenging ronda. She goes to one maybe 2 live events a months while I go to every single live event. Every week,every month." Ronda is on a part time sheduale. Which means she doesn't really go to live events or press. She gets to go to raw fight and then go home. Just like Brock. 

We stand there in silence for a good few moments before Lexi walks into the area. We immedietly disattach our hands. Its not like were ashamed of what happened last or anything but if one person knows about us dating or what ever we are,then "the Authrotiy will find out and they'll want us to do a storyline about it. A few moments after Lexi leaves,becks look at the moniter beside us. It's Ronda vs Bayley for the raw womans championship. I'm pretty sure Ronda is going to win. It's not like Pam (Bayley) is a bad wrestler or anything but Ronda has been unstoppable since arriving here in WWE. 

"Well I better go." She says nodding her head to the screen. I nod and then put my head down.  "Colby?" She ask which brings my head up. "Make the right choice for you. Not for anybody else." She says smiling at me before Leaving the area. 

Rebecca Pov

The moment they shake hands, My music plays. I walk out and just stand there. The crowd is going crazy. I begin to walk,well limp, down the ramp. Once pam and I make eye contact I throw up the four horse woman sign descretly. She does it back and gets out the ring. I really hope that I don't mess this up,since neither Ronda or I have a script for this. Oh maybe she'll slip up amd make a fool of herself in front of the whole world. That would be great. Once I have a mic in my hand I go for it. Before I could even the speak the crowd is chanting my name. 

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