dear deadname

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Dear deadname,
sometimes I think you are gone even though everyone else still sees you around
i think you're just hiding from me, until I realize i'm not looking for you
Dear deadname,
sometimes i have to do a double take because i see you in the reflection of car windows
you left a long time ago but i can't help but unbury your facial structure from the graveyard of my mind
Dear deadname,
when they called your name at graduation i had to recieve your diploma
i guess not everyone has the memo that you're gone
Dear deadname,
sometimes i have to write your name down and when i do it feels foreign
as if i'm writing the name of someone i haven't met yet
Dear deadname,
sometimes our family misses you so much they give me presents adressed to you
i push the cards with your name scribbled all over it to the back of my closet
Dear deadname,
sometimes they even call me your name
but i don't want to start anything so i never correct them
Dear deadname,
i did not hate you, in fact, you helped me through a lot
you were so strong
Dear deadname,
sometimes i regret pushing you to the back of my closet,
burying you in the graveyard of my mind
Dear deadname,
our family members are grave robbers that give me what they can find left of you
so sometimes, i forget i even buried you in the first place

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