Chapter 2

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It's been four days since that meeting with Tommy's owner. 

I've decided not to tell anyone about it, no matter how funny the story is and how undeniably hot the guy is. I decided last year that I was not ready for a relationship because I have a poor body and self-image and the idea of sucking a guy's dick kind of grosses me out. If there's something I need more of, it's those friends who I can rely on and who can rely on me. I need more of those friends that give me energy when we're around each other (not those friends that I love but seriously drain me of energy to even think about spending time with). Instead of looking for a boyfriend just to have a boyfriend, I need to look for a strong relationship with someone that doesn't drain me of energy and genuinely enjoys my company.

Like my best friend Charlie.

"I can't believe that you've already applied to St. Mary's." She says during our Sports Performance class last period.

"Charlie, I've been planning on going there since the tenth grade." I say, out of breath from the ab workout we just finished. I'm lying on a mat sweating like a pig while Charlie is stretching beside me, only a shimmer of sweat on her forehead.

"I still don't understand why you want to go to a Catholic private university after spending three years in this hell-hole. Why voluntarily sign up for eight years of expensive Bible study?"

"Because they have smaller classes, free parking when I finally do get a car and an amazing six-year program that's perfect for my chosen career." I state with confidence, smiling at how nice it is to have my future all neat and tidy in front of me. I'm a very organized person who needs direction and purpose in my life to really enjoy it. Sure, I love spontaneous things and going with the flow but only to a certain degree.

"Well, at least you know what you're doing with your life," She says with a sigh. "I respect that about you."

"Awe, thanks pretty lady!" I say with a hearty shove to her knee. She frowns down at me and then pulls up her phone to take a picture of me.

"You look cute when you smile. You should do it more often." She says with a straight face. I roll my eyes dramatically, knowing how I smile more often than I frown. It sucked when I had to wear braces for two years in junior high, my other best friend Alyssa had to stare at that smile every day during my awkward phase.

"At least tell me who's receiving a photo of my sweaty face instead of your stunningly beautiful one." I ask while getting up to wipe down my mat before we leave. Charlie is quite pretty with her cute glasses, freckles and slim figure. It's hard to imagine her not wanting to show off her God-given looks to everyone (her body image is worse than mine).

"Ontario Guy." Charlie says cautiously. I give her an incredulous look and put my mat back where it belongs.

"Charlotte Lynn Anderson. You told me that it was over between you and Ontario Guy!"

"I'm just snapping him, what's the harm?" She says defensively, putting her mat back before joining me on the walk across the weight floor to the changeroom. We pass by a pair of teenage boys from our high school working out and I make awkward eye contact with the tallest one. He smiles and nods his head at me and I flash him a shy one in return. I hate myself for blushing and thinking egotistical thoughts but then realize that I'm in the middle of a conversation with my best friend and focus on that instead.

"Snapping leads to Face-Timing, Face-Timing leads to sexting and sexting leads to you crying for two months straight because he gets a girlfriend because you two live across the country from each other!"

"Geez mom, I can make my own relationship choices." Charlie says with just a hint of annoyance. I take a deep breath, thinking of what to say. Charlie and I never fight because as soon as one of us snaps or gets offended, we let each other know it. The reason our two year relationship is so strong is because of our instant connection, great communication and willingness to forgive. We'd be a great couple if we both weren't (sadly) straight (men suck, why do I have to be insanely attracted to them?).

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