Chapter 16: Alex

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That's the only word to describe that day and the next two months.

She's so... Amazing. And dorky. And I've never felt this way, this kind of connection we have. She's adorable and sexy and makes me feel like I have control over my life for the first time ever. She's so trusting and honest with me but I can tell she's still got her guard up.

Now, I'm not an idiot who just sees the good things in a girl with thirty-four D boobs (thank you for that information, Dallas). I am fully aware of her major insecurities, lack of confidence and bragging tendencies. She's SUPER sensitive, has these weird mood swings of being super quiet and non-social, is quite loud and crazy at times and DAMN does that girl worry too much about what other people think.

But I can't stay mad at her. I see myself being annoyed periodically in like five years but how can I be mad at someone who listens to metal music and still sleeps with stuffed animals? 

And I finally got her. All mine.

When I met her parents, her dad took one look at me in my Disturbed hoodie and told her mom "Sandra, I told you that she would fall for a headbanger!" and her mom looked kind of horrified. Brooklyn tells me that when I left, her mom said that she shouldn't be pressured into doing drugs or having sex (THE IRONY).

And I ended up taking Brooklyn's advice about moving up in the business. Sure, I had to quit my bartending job, it's an extra hour every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, talking with more people and dealing to higher up politicians, police captains and the filthy rich but she was right. I've gained more respect not only with the family, but with everyone. I'm making even more money (the cash goes into a joint and secure bank account that each of us inner circle people in Calgary get a certain percentage of every year based on our position) and applied to the same university as Brooklyn so I can finally get the science degree I've always wanted. She's taught me a thing or two about time management and she's so supportive of everything I do (even though it involves drugs).

Sure, we have our silly little fights about who looked at the random person on the street for too long (her and tall dudes, I swear) and confronting each other about listening more (what I've said to her) and telling each other more about our feelings (what she wants me to do). But in the end, she'll eventually admit she's in the wrong or I'll realize what a jackass I am and it'll end with her playing with my hair while we watch a movie or a show on Netflix.

We might be in the bubbly new stage of our relationship, but at the same time I feel like it has passed. I've never had a relationship last longer than two months (and those always just involved sex) and I've never wanted one to last like I want ours to. I don't normally dissect things this much but damn has Brooklyn gotten into my head. She hasn't let me say it yet (she says she needs to feel ready) but I've known it for a while now.

I love her.

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