Chapter 6

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Thank you so much for reading this far! I know it's kinda boring but we had to get a good understanding of Brooklyn's character and let her enjoy a bit of normalcy before the good stuff starts. 

This is another long chapter that's as short as I could make it. Get ready to be introduced to some more characters and some important information. 

Please just keep holding on for the excitement to begin, should be starting to pick up in about two or three chapters (tops). Once again, thank you for making it through all the boring intro shit, after this little date night things will pick up I PROMISE. 

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The day couldn't have gone any slower. It helped that Jay would text me every couple of minutes, asking the strangest questions and never failing to call me sexy or beautiful. (Weird butterflies when he said that, some exciting and some uncomfortable because I'm still getting used to a guy calling me fucking sexy.) Math class took forever and I don't think I remember anything from the lesson.

Thankfully, we just watched a video in Sports Performance and didn't work out so I'm not sweaty as I start running down the main hallway of our school. I stop when the dismissal bell rings because people (or obstacles as I see most of them) start filing out of classrooms. When I get to my locker, I rush to put my things away and start fixing my appearance before Jay shows up. 

I cover up a few pimples with my compact powder, wipe away the fallout from my mascara, quickly comb through my straightened hair, pop a piece of spearmint gum in my mouth and put on some red tinted lip balm. I pull up my black Lululemon's and fix my bra straps underneath a cropped black button-up and just as I'm moving the girls around, Jay appears beside me.

"Damn," He says loudly as he blatantly checks me out from top to bottom. "All of that for me. I feel special." I smile shyly and finish gathering my belongings before grabbing my sweater and closing my locker.

"So where are we going?" I ask as I follow him through the crowd.

"You'll see." He states with a smile as he grabs my hand.

I smile and let him lead me through the halls and towards the exit. (I like it when he holds my hand.) We go out into the student parking lot and I'm aware of people staring at us, but a part of me doesn't care. We reach his car and start making our way out of the parking lot while my favorite rock station plays a Red Hot Chili Peppers song.

"Okay, I have to tell my mom where we're going or else she's going to call the cops on you." I state while looking at him. He glances over at me with a small smirk and I momentarily get lost in the depths of his eyes that look extremely grey against the light blue cotton t-shirt he's wearing.

"Fine, we're headed to my house." He states. (Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah. Woah.)

"Jay, I'm sorry but I'm not that kind of girl." I say while wincing. (Ah, FUCK. I'm freaking out. I'm in his car already, dammit Brooklyn, why didn't-)

"First of all, never be sorry for admitting that. And secondly, my roommates all get together every Tuesday for our version of a family game night so that's what we're doing."

"Oh no, I don't want to impose or anything." I say immediately, now panicking for a whole other reason.

"Stop worrying," He says with a giant grin. "I already told them you were coming and they were excited to meet you."

"Oh?" I say while staring at him, a combination of fear and shock no doubt showing on my face. He chuckles and continues driving into the neighborhood where we met.

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