Chapter 25: Alex

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I should tell her.

I got the fucking email ten minutes ago and I'm already a shitty enough boyfriend by not telling her about Mike. Maybe I don't need to tell her, I mean, this is an offer that I can refuse. But I don't think Dally's gonna take it either and who does that leave? Candace? She won't want to move her life all the way to Calgary from Kelowna. She's got my sweet little niece and Derek, her husband. Ben? He just retired and obviously won't want to become a gang leader again. It's kind of a one-time thing.

Why am I even thinking about this? I wouldn't want the job even if I didn't have Brooklyn. Not only would it take up all of my time but it means no future for me. No school, no normal job, no family, no life.

Brooklyn starts snoring softly and I smile, hold her tighter and breathe in the smell of her hair. It feels great to know that I have her. I'll never be lonely or wanting something more in life when I have someone as beautiful and fun and interesting as her.

I'm lucky.

And I know better than most guys my age, I'm not just dating her for the fun of it or using her as an ego boost. I might be a bit ahead of myself, but I see her when I think about where I'll be in ten, twenty, and forty years. And she's still all mine. And that means that I won't be able to take the job that Uncle Bill just offered me.

Because if I become a gang leader, Brooklyn couldn't be mine anymore. I wouldn't be able to keep her safe, no matter how hard I tried. And there is no way in hell that I'm giving up my Brooklyn, my everything, for a stupid fucking job.

My phone buzzes and I check it to see a text from Jay.

You can't do it.

Do what?

Take over the business. You can't do that to 


I'm not going to. Are you?

And give up my one chance to eventually live 

normal life? Fat chance.

I was thinking the same thing.

I would have thought that you would take 

the job. You've always liked being in 

leadership positions.

That all changed when I met Brooklyn 

and then Mike died. It got me thinking, 

you know?

Damn, I like this new you.

And it's good to know that you aren't 

going to take the job. I just worry about 

who's going to take the business over if it 

isn't you or me or Dally.

Dallas already turned it down?

A gay gang leader? Do you know how fast 

we'd lose people, employees and suppliers?

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