Chapter 22

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I faintly remember waking up when someone carries me up the stairs but I'm too tired to complain about how heavy I must weigh. I don't bother opening my eyes when I'm placed in a bed and covered with blankets. It smells like Jay and the body that lies beside me also does so I let myself get comfortable against him before drifting back into the dream I was having about horseback riding in the mountains at a ranch my mom always used to take me and my sister to.

What seems like seconds later, I wake up to the sound of a car pulling into the cul-de-sac the Frat House is in and then turning off. I take a deep breath and let my eyes flutter open to see Jay's sleeping face a couple inches from mine. Apparently, I moved my arm around him in my sleep and I now feel guilty about cuddling with him. When I try to slowly move myself away from him, he grabs my wrist to stop me from removing my arm from his torso and my eyes suddenly meet his.

"How was your nap?" He mumbles to me with a small smile I haven't seen since we were dating. I get happy butterflies and then guilty butterflies and pull my hand away from his as I sit up and arch my back.

"It was nice." I tell him. I check my phone for messages and then see that it's one in the morning. "Oh shit, why the hell didn't you wake me up?"

"You seemed so tired. I thought you could use the sleep." He says, still laying down and staring at me with a small, tired smile.

"Well now my sleep schedule is fucked." I mumble, answering a text from my mom checking in and a text from my dad about when I'm going to come over to his house on Monday.

"Are you hungry?" Jay asks, finally sitting up and rubbing an eye.

"I could eat." I say, realizing that I missed supper.

"You wanna go get McDonald's?" He asks, getting out of bed and putting jeans on.

"Yeah, sure." I say happily, excited at the thought of getting a mocha and some french fries. Jay then follows me downstairs and while I'm putting my Ugg's on, Shane walks in from the living room in sweatpants and a grey sweatshirt.

"Where are you guys headed?" He asks.

"McD's." I tell him, grabbing Jay's insulated windbreaker to put on over my hoodie.

"Cool, mind if I join?" He asks.

"Sure." Jay says. We're about to walk out the door when my phone starts buzzing in my back pocket. I see that it's a call from Mike and answer, wondering why he's calling me at one in the morning.


"Brooklyn, listen to me." Mike says in a hurry. It sounds like he's driving. "I just got a call from an unknown number telling me that the mole is-" He's suddenly cut off and I look at my phone to see that it disconnected the call.

"What the fuck?"

"Who was that?" Shane asks as we get into Jay's car.

"Mike." I say, calling him back. It goes straight to voicemail. "He was about to tell me who the mole was and then- oh my God. Jay-"

"What exactly did he say?" He asks while trying to contact his older brother from his phone, a look of worry on his face.

"'Brooklyn, listen to me. I got a call from an unknown number telling me that the mole is-' and then we got disconnected." I say, looking at Jay and Shane back and forth with a look of panic on my face.

"Maybe he just went through a tunnel or accidentally hung up." Shane suggests from the back seat.

"At the exact moment he was about to tell me something super important?" I ask. Shane gets all quiet and stares at his feet.

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