Ch 8. Expensive

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Bun nix had just come back and heard everything "oh know you weren't suppose to know"Bun nix said worriedly, she chuckled before looking up at her. "This is a different timeline me and chat already revealed I knew it was him plus he won't question me he's out of town for the next two weeks modelling. So we're good" she said smirking. "I keep forgetting about how this timeline is different to the others." "Let's go now while it's still early." Chat said and they left.

"You need to change and have breakfast" Marinette pointed to a Adrien still in pjs. "Right" he noticed, before running off. "What are we gonna do with him" she asked Alex. In reply she got a chuckle, "shouldn't I be asking you that" she questioned to which she got a shrug for an answer.

Alex's outfit:

Adrien's outfit:

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Adrien's outfit:

Marinette's outfit:

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Marinette's outfit:

Marinette was waiting outside for a certain bunny and chat to show up, it had already been 20 minutes

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Marinette was waiting outside for a certain bunny and chat to show up, it had already been 20 minutes. "Finally, you two take to long how does future me put up with your slacking not to mention are you always this late to a fight" she questioned. "Nope just not a morning person princess" chat said going to ruffle her hair to which she swatted his hand away. "Come on the sooner we leave the sooner we get there," Bun nix said. "Where is the bike and the car" chat questioned, "right here" as she finished her sentence a bike and a car showed up.

 Marinette's Bike:

Alex & Adrien's car:

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Alex & Adrien's car:

The two adults looked surprised at how a fourteen year old has such an expensive bike and car

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The two adults looked surprised at how a fourteen year old has such an expensive bike and car. "How?" Chat questioned. "I'm a billionaire genius, superhero and a high school student, don't ask me dumb questions" she said waving off his questions. Bun nix looked at the bike and asked who gets it. Their reply was Marinette getting on and revving the engine.

"That answers one question but can you ride in those heels" chat asked worried. "I've done it before why worry now, come on I don't have all day."

With that the two adults got in the car and rode off on their three hour road trip. 

Hey guys sorry for the wait, I have couple more chapters written up and should be able to post more next week. Stay safe.

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