Chapter 16

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The three dined and caught Marinette up with all the details and how they would go in twos to avoid the entire team getting hurt at once. They also told her how her parents found out that she was the akuma by accident.

After eating lunch the three walked into the manor and began looking for the gym. Looking on the first floor alone took two hours. How long would it take the rest of this place not to mention it had an attic and the basement which being the basement and attic of a manor, this wouldn't be a normal attic that has boxes and old things covered in dust.

They walked around the first food, "I think we should split up and look around" Adrien said looking around, he was about to walk off but Marinette stopped him. "Yeah this place is huge, you get lost, we have to search for hours on end to find you. That's a terrible idea to stick together," she said.

Going to the large double brown doors at the start of the corridor, she opened the door and what she found was shocking. She had an entire......

Bowling alley to herself it was huge along with one the end of the wall there were large neon glowing lights in front of it was two bowling lanes

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Bowling alley to herself it was huge along with one the end of the wall there were large neon glowing lights in front of it was two bowling lanes .. near the entrance on  the left was a mini kitchen filled with snacks and drinks on the right was a staircase that led to who knows where.

"I own a bowling alley huh didn't expect that '' Marinette said to herself as she looked around. "Wait, what do those stairs lead to?" Alex asked as she looked towards the "who knows," Marinette said going up the stairs. "What are you doing?" Adrien asked Alex to follow her.

"Finding out what's up here, it was obvious," she said they found another set of doors and it led to an empty guest room with some curtains that were closed. Alex went to open the curtains but was shocked by what she saw through the glass door.

There were glass doors behind the curtains that led to a balcony. "Alex, is something wrong?" Marinette called out but she got no answer and walked to the door and outside her balcony was a.....

 "Alex, is something wrong?" Marinette called out but she got no answer and walked to the door and outside her balcony was a

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Waterfall "YOU HAVE A WATERFALL" Adrien screamed from behind her.

Hey guys,

It has been months since I have updated this book and it is about time that I did, so I finally did so what do you think of this new chapter?

Enjoy reading :)

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