Ch. 12 Search

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Continue on from the last chapter sorry didn't get to finish it.

"Your right it's more like a mansion and to answer your question I have barely explored this place other than the floor we stay which I must say is quite a sight to see" she replied answering bun nix's question.

"Anyway there are a bunch of different rooms on each floor apparently one has a mall, food court, athletic department, and a huge gym for us to use after we find it, of course, that's why we start tomorrow not today understand" she questioned. Which was answered with two nods of the head.

"Now these are our rooms here's mine next to it is Alex's and Adrien's is across from us. Any questions? " she asks, when she get absolute silence she goes on.

Alex's room:

Adrien's room:

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Adrien's room:

Marinette's room:

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Marinette's room:

Corridor: (not sure why I added this)

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Corridor: (not sure why I added this)

With that, each of them went to their rooms and took a nap for the long week ahead of them in mind

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With that, each of them went to their rooms and took a nap for the long week ahead of them in mind. 

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