Chapter 1

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Ancient Egyptian deities are the gods and goddesses worshipped in ancient Egypt. The beliefs and rituals surrounding these gods formed the core of ancient Egyptian religion, which emerged sometime in prehistory. Deities represented natural forces and phenomena.
This story is based on a god, Geb, Ennead of Heliopolis a group of nine gods.
Geb was different entirely, a lover of bread and beer.
His parent's time on earth has ended. A new king has to be coronated and he's the heir to the throne.
Geb is a deliberate, cunning, and wise god with certain powers.

When he arrived in this world, His parents were warned of a great danger incoming which they ignored.
His father was Shu, the god of the peace married Tefnut the goddess of moisture and rain.
As Geb grew older, he used to go to the Cultus temple, A sacred place for gods. He was inquisitive, Imhotep usually explains things about the gods in Egypt to him.
Geb knew a lot about the gods. Imhotep cautioned his parents that his wisdom at this age might be his downfall.

Geb asked his parents about his worth and his purpose on earth. Shu refused to tell him, Tefnut later explained to him. This made Geb so impatient. He wanted to be coronated immediately, he's going to be the king of the second generation in the Ennead.
Shu was pissed that Tefnut told Geb about his purpose. He reminded her of Imhotep's warning and she told him that his time on earth is limited.

Geb went to meet Imhotep but did not find him.
Searched the whole temple, later went to the mountain to check Imhotep.
He heard a strange voice, Apopis, the demon of evil told him to get the weakness
of Tefnut and take her life away.
And he'll do the rest.

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