Chapter 12

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In Upper Egypt,(Qiblī Miṣr) is ruled by Menes who inherited the throne from his father, Narmer, who died years ago.
He met Neithhotep when schooling in lower Egypt. At that time, Geb was not born and his father was the king.
Menes asked for Neithhotep's hand in marriage.
Her mom, who was the elder sister of Shu the king, allowed Neithhotep to marry Menes.
At first, She chased him away and warned her daughter not to talk to him.
After much dialogue, they got married and lived in Upper Egypt. Then Menes became the king, they rarely go to lower Egypt.
The last time they went, was to pay homage to Neithhotep's mom.
Now Geb is a king, a disrespectful one at that. Menes knows he lacks manners but Neithhotep doesn't know.

After he rejected the plan of unifying Egypt.
He went to his room, ranting that Geb is undermining him.
His wife, Neithhotep, explained to him that it was a nice idea.
He blurted out "You're saying this because that foolish king is related to you, don't let me transfer my aggression on you."
"Leave, please" Neithhotep walked out.

Geb began his journey to "The Upland" riding a horse while his guards ride a camel.
In Egypt, The king is the only one allowed to ride a horse.
When they reached the palace
They met Neithhotep,
She told them that Menes was not around, he went to the mountain but he'll be back soon.

She offered them food, Geb sent his guards out to eat their food.
How's my town? Hope no problem
"It's fine, Neithhotep "
"Did you talk to Menes?" Geb asked with much curiosity
"Yes I did, but he was pissed that day
He's in the right mood today, he'll talk to you when he arrives. I promise you that" She assured him
Geb thanked her.

Minutes later, a huge man entered the palace
Then laid a long rug which Menes walked on, while others kneeled except Geb.
He sat down on his throne, then told them to get up
" Why did you not join them?"
"Are you different?" The harsh looking king asked Geb
"I'm also a king, I can't kneel for any king" Geb bragged
"And you want us to have a discussion?
I don't think we'll have one" Menes said angrily
"Calm down, Menes"Neithhotep cut in
"It's fine, excuse us," Menes said, as Neithhotep walked away
He then said to his sentries
"Guards! Go to your posts"

"King Menes, the unification process might take time. I just need your approval so that we can begin the process" Geb began to explain
"Before I approve this, if it works out finally
Who becomes the king?" Menes asked.
"I.... obviously" Geb stammered
"And I'll be a random person in the kingdom, great"
"I'm not approving anything, you can leave" Menes blurted
I'll be the king because I brought the idea, I'll appoint you as my assistant."
Geb said with so much pleasure

"Such buffoonery, Get out, or I'll call my guards to drag you away" Menes replied angrily.

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