Chapter 10

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Geb hugged Nut tightly before leaving for the meeting with the king of Upper Egypt.
And promised to return soon.

Geb went with his guards to upper Egypt, He believed Nut can do without them.

Osiris waited for his leave, before entering the palace.
" Blessings upon this house," Osiris said when entering
The nut came out, she was shocked to see him. She offered him food, he declined.
" I'm here to tell you something important and confidential." Said Osiris
"Go on" Nut replied.
Osiris began to talk
"It's about your husband, he committed an abomination.
He and Apophis offered a deal, they said I should take the life of Shu and I was promised a chieftaincy post.
I overdid this work, I also killed Tefnut, My gullibility took over me."
Nut face expressed sadness, she stood up
Osiris continued
"That's not all"
Nut took her seat
"They decided to trap me in the realm of the dead. I dragged Apophis with me
We sent a spirit here, to get us the key to the realm.
It seems your husband is distracted with something really important."
"Yes, The unification of Egypt" Nut let out
"Your husband never rests.
As I speak to you now, Apophis is in the realm suffering for his mistakes I'm sorry queen."
Keep this from your husband until he confesses"

He's not my husband!
He's a killer!
Nut blurted
She was raged.

"You've to leave now, Thank you." She said to Osiris.
Osiris vanished.

Nut went straight to the sky.
She sat on the clouds, commanded it to rain heavily.
It rained for 5 days.
This cause disruption in lower Egypt.
Houses scattered

After the rain stopped
The people of Egypt went to the palace
To their surprise, no one was in the palace
They left in sadness.

Nut moved into the clouds.
"I love my parents. My husband killed them
I'm disappointed, Geb should be killed too!
He must be killed.
I've to meet Osiris"

Osiris was surprised to see Nut in his abode.
"Geb must be killed too," Nut said angrily
"You've to calm down, the king can't be killed that easily" Osiris replied calmly
"What can we do?" She asked

"We've to make him confess"
When will he be back? Osiris asked

"I don't know, but when he arrives
I'll inform you." Nut assured him

"Please don't let him suspect anything, now Egypt is in a mess. The people are angry, talk to them"

I'll do that, Nut promised
O- before she could say his name
He vanished.

The people of Egypt assembled as they await the arrival of the Queen.
She wore a veil as it was a tradition, the people must not see the Queen's face.
"People of Egypt, the king is not in town. I heard the rain destroyed your houses, Those affected can stay in the houses behind the palace.
Your houses will be rebuilt soon."

This brought smiles to the faces of the affected Egyptians.
They all thanked her and moved into the houses.

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