Chapter 5

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Geb is now a mythological member of the Ennead of Heliopolis.
And crowned primeval divine king of lower Egypt.
Geb announced Imhotep as his adviser and a secret assistant. Imhotep knew it was Apopis but he decided to remain silent.

The people asked for his Queen, Geb smiled and called Nut to his throne and said to the people
"She's my wife, my Queen"
" Anything she says is final, only if I object it"
Nut And Geb pronounced their feelings for each other
It was a joy to behold, Nut remembered this day, then she went to sit on her throne.
Geb warned the people including his queen and advisers that they should follow his rules, if not they'll be eliminated.
He also said if they follow his rules, Egypt will be greater and more peaceful.
People were applauding Geb as he and his wife walked away.

Geb went to meet Apopis about the plan,
They both went to the Nile Valley. Geb began to laugh which caused a deep earthquake then Apopis used his dark powers to open the realm, he took a pin tumbler lock with a key.
He told Geb that the lock is for locking the realm and after trapping Osiris, they are to throw the key far away.

Geb and Apopis headed to the mountain where Osiris lived.
Osiris was not aware of their plan, He offered them food which they happily ate.
Apopis hit his leg on purpose which made Geb laugh. This caused an earthquake, Apopis quickly opened the realm of the dead and pushed Osiris into the realm. Osiris held Apopis and dragged him into the realm.
Geb did not make any attempt to help, he locked the realm immediately.
"I'll get a new adviser", he said.

They landed awkwardly on corpses in the realm, Apopis felt betrayed. Osiris was pissed, he almost killed Apopis. Apopis promised to open the realm soon and told him that they should gang up on Geb and take his throne away from him.
Osiris smiled sheepishly and asked Apopis what he needs.
He begged Osiris to resurrect one of the corpses and He'll do the rest.
Osiris declined at first, after much begging and explanation.
He resurrected a corpse, Apopis being a cunny person talked to the person.
And told him to get close to the new King of Egypt, He should also look for a way to get the key to this realm.
Osiris sent him to earth.
Apopis asked why they can't go back to Egypt. Osiris sat him down and explained to him that he can only send other people but he can't send himself and other devils back only if the key is used.
Osiris was annoyed
Apopis told him to exercise patience that they'll be free soon.

Imhotep saw all this but he can't do anything because Geb is now the king and member of Ennead of Heliopolis. and he has control over everything.
He can only advise Geb about any arising matter.

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