Chapter 6

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Nut appears in the creation myth of Heliopolis. Her father is Tefnut (Tefenetis a personification of moisture, who mated with Shu (Air) and then gave birth to Sky as the goddess Nut.
They neglected Nut and moved to the lower Egypt where Shu gave birth to Geb.

Nut doesn't know that her parents are dead, She and her Geb went to see her parents. Nut searched and searched but she did not see them, Geb asked for Imhotep to assist in finding her parents.
Imhotep told him that her parents are dead and they should meet him in his temple immediately.

Geb and Nut reached the temple hand in hand. They sat on the silver chairs specially made for kings and queens.
Imhotep began to explain
"Tefnut, the deity of moisture, moist air,  dew, and rain. She is the sister and consort of the air god Shu."
This shocked Geb and Nut.

Imhotep continued
"Shu and Tefnut gave birth to a child in Letopolis, due to some issues which I can't talk about; They had to leave the child there.
Tefnut and her husband moved to Lower Egypt and she gave birth to a male child.
The male child is now the king, which is Geb and the female child went to the sky, the goddess of the sky"
Imhotep stood up and pointed at Nut and said
"That's you, you're the sister of Geb and also his wife"
"It's a tradition in Egypt, so don't panic, I've to go," Imhotep said

Geb and Nut were startled, they could not believe what they heard. "Imhotep can't lie," said Nut. They walked out of the temple, Nut said to Geb "Let's go to the sky, I have a surprise for you.

The sky looked like a cosmic bowl of iron, which sometimes cracked and sent shards of itself hurtling to Earth.

Among other things, it was a great bowl of iron holding an otherworldly ocean that the dead would sail across to reach the afterlife. 

Tears dropped from Geb's eyes as he remembered his late father's word

Meanwhile, the person who was sent to get the key for Apopis reached the palace,
He's named Lokopis.
He distracted the guards by throwing a huge stone far away, he ran inside the palace.
He searched and searched, he could not find the key. Lokopis had checked the rooms apart from one that looked sacred, He opened it, saw the key from afar. He grabbed it immediately.
Lokopis opened the realm, then freed Apopis and Osiris

Osiris tossed Lokopis back into the realm, locked it, and returned the key. Apopis asked why he did that
Osiris said to him " You don't trust anyone, I placed my trust in you, and you betrayed me"
Apopis sneered, took the key without Osiris permission
He and Osiris then walked out of the room.
They both use their dark powers to disappear not to cause any suspicion.

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