Chapter 13

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"The battle line has been drawn, you have the guts to shout at me. I'll be back", Geb said before going out.
Menes laughed and replied
" You can't do anything to me, try anything and consider your throne gone"
After Geb and his guards left for Lower Egypt. Menes called his guards
" I don't want to see that fool here if I see him in this town. Consider yourself dead!" Menes blurted
" sir" They stammered
Menes went to his room and told Neithhotep not to talk about the unification process, or ask about Geb unless he'll send her back to Lower Egypt

Geb was pissed and frustrated.
He and his guards returned to Lower Egypt.
He told his guards not to allow anybody in for the whole day.
And if they allow anyone in, he'll take their lives.

Nut noticed this, and she went to meet him
" So what was the agreement?" Nut raised a question
"Let's not talk about it" Geb answered
"Talk to me, Geb" Nut said
"That dummy said it can't work, because I said I'll be the king" Geb replied with so much displeasure
Nut was shocked
"Hm, you're not supposed to talk about the king issue. You should have said it after you've agreed" Nut continued.
This angered Geb
"Oh, now you're supporting him too. Leave please" He said
She went to her room

"Mocking me, insulting the king of Egypt
Menes, that fool, what does he have?
He thinks he developed Upper Egypt, I'll make there better and marry his daughters
Even his father can't talk to me in that manner,
He has no respect, I'll take his life." Geb bragged.

He went to check Nut, she was fast asleep.
He sneaked to his secret room,
"This place is scattered, what happened here?"
He went to take the box where the key to the realm was kept.
He searched and searched, the key to the realm was nowhere to be found.
"Who came here?" He asked
He had no response, no one knows the room and no one is in there with him.

"Apophis and Osiris are locked in the realm and I need their help right now"
Apophis can escape, he's cunning" Geb said.
Nut was eavesdropping, when she heard his footsteps
She ran back to her room
"I've to warn Osiris and we need to plan fast," She said with so much fear

Geb went to the mountain of Apophis, called Apophis.
He went to his shrine, screamed his name.
No answer at all
He stood up to leave,
He then saw Osiris and Apophis down the mountain.
Geb was shocked,
" They must not see me first, I've to do something"
Geb began to laugh, this made the mountain crash down.
"How did you escape?" Geb asked
"He..." Apophis looked back to call Osiris but he has vanished
"We'll talk about that later, I need your help.
You and Osiris" Geb let out
"We can't help you" Apophis replied before leaving.

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