Chapter 11

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Nut usually goes to the abode of Osiris to know how to invoke the dead.
"When invoking the dead
You're not allowed to look sideways
It's a long process, Only the patient gets to see the dead invoked." Osiris explained
Nut thanked him.

"I listened to your speech, I'll like to help the workers too."Osiris continued
"Wow, that's nice" Nut replied happily
I wish your husband was like you.
Humble, truthful but he's the entire opposite
Don't talk about my husband in that way
I'm sure he still has a good heart

"He doesn't have a good heart, his heart is filled with wickedness." Osiris blurted
"Why are you saying this?
Apart from the murder, what else did he do?" Nut asked

"Where are the guards, why did he take all the guards?
What if people come to kidnap you?" Osiris replied

Nut became sad
"I'm sure he left no guards because he's scared" Osiris continued
"Scared? Why?" Nut was shocked
"He believes they'll take advantage of you" Osiris let out
"Geb thinks I'm cheap?
How dare him
I love him, but he must be killed" Nut cried out

"Geb can't die now. He's the king
The only thing we can do,
If we've three witnesses and bring proofs
Then I can take his life" Osiris explained 

"Imhotep is dead, if not he would have helped" Nut retorted
"We can invoke him," Osiris said with confidence
"That's true" Nut replied
"Let's go to his temple," Osiris said before they marched on to his temple

In Imhotep's Shrine
Osiris invoked his spirit
The spirit came out
And said to them
"Three witnesses,
Osiris, you're one,
What of that snake and the dead man?"
"Who's the snake?" Osiris asked respectfully
"Apophis obviously,
If you can get them back and show the evidence"
Then, you can take Geb's life
But now, you can't do anything"
His spirit faded out

"I can't bring Apopis back, He's tricky and dangerous," Osiris said after they left the temple
"I'll talk to him" Nut let out, this shocked Osiris
"You think he'll answer you," Osiris said
"He'll do so, I know what to do" Nut asserted.

"THE COSMIC OCEAN IN AN IRON ORB" Osiris said loudly.
"Shhh, you don't make noise here" Nut cautioned him
"Okay Queen" Osiris mumbled
"I'll resurrect Lokopis now and as for Apophis, you'll talk to him before I revive him too," Osiris said
"Who's lokopis?
What did he do?" Nut asked
"Lokopis, the man who was killed because of his wrongdoings of his wife" Osiris confessed
"When you know he's innocent why did you not bring him back to life" Nut retorted
"That's not how life is," Osiris said before resurrecting him
Osiris brought him back to life.
He was unconscious
Then he resurrected Apophis then trapped him in the clouds

"Promise me, you won't do anything silly
And I'll grant you something you desire" Nut said to Apophis
"I want a place in your kingdom" Apophis growled
"I'll make you a chief after we're done"
"Yes, sure"
This made Apopis thrilled
Osiris then released him.

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