Chapter 9

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Upper Egypt, Qiblī Miṣr, also called Al-Ṣaʿīd (“The Upland”), geographic and cultural division of Egypt, generally consisting of the Nile River valley south of the delta and the 30th parallel N. It thus consists of the entire Nile River valley from Cairo south to Lake Nasser (formed by the Aswan High Dam).

When Menes became the king of Upper Egypt, He constituted a political entity separate from Lower Egypt (the delta region).

Geb sent his guard to Upper Egypt, and pass his message.
When the guard reached there, he was treated well.
Neithhotep was glad that one of her people came to Upper Egypt.
"The King of Lower Egypt, Geb sends his greetings. And asked about the unification of Egypt if you'll agree to join this great plan" The guard explained
Menes disagreed and walked out in anger.
"Menes has done a lot in Upper Egypt, he can't leave it to Geb just like that
I'll talk to him, he'll agree, send my greetings to Geb and his wife" Neithhotep assured the guard.

Geb called for a gathering, the whole community of Lower Egypt.
He started by thanking them, for believing in him. And he promised more to come.
He then talked about the unification plan.
Some disapproved of the plan, while some loved the plan and applauded.
Geb noticed that he asked if any other suggestions.
Someone from the gathering said they should consult Imhotep and the past gods.
Geb accepted this suggestion and promised to talk more about it.
He dismissed the gathering after the community stopped applauding.

Imhotep knew he'll soon turn into an inanimate object, But he doesn't know when.
Imhotep, a vizier, an architect, astrologer,  the god of medicine
 "the one who comes in peace"
He is considered to have been the architect of the step pyramid built at the necropolis of Ṣaqqārah in the city of Memphis.
An Egyptian chancellor to the Pharaoh, and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis then later the high priest of Geb.

Geb came to meet him, Imhotep became dumb then turned to the statue.
Geb called for Nut,
"His spirit left his body. If you need his help, invoke his name." Nut explained

At crepuscule, Nut felt a spirit was with her.
"Who are you and what do you want?" Nut asked
"Calm down, I'm here to tell you something confidential" Replied the Spirit. The spirit continued " Your husband is hiding something from you, talk to him. Else, there will be a war and his life will be taken first"
Wai. Before she could talk, The spirit left.

Geb, a secret? Nut was thinking about this.
She went to the sky and talked to the clouds.
They assured her that she'll know the root of the matter soon
Nut went to the path where spirits pass.
Invoked the name of her parents in tears.
None of them answered.
She left in sadness.

"Your husband killed someone" She saw this inscription as she woke up

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