Small Revelation

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Toomes reveal a few things to Tony and Peter.


I'm so sorry for being gone for so long and im so sorry the chapter is not long enough to make it up to you guys QwQ
I hope the small chapter could satisfy you qwq


The question was asked in a calm manner. But Adrian Toomes knew the anger that was steadily rising from the typically ‘laid back’ Tony Stark. He knew his anger because that was exactly what he felt when the asshole general threatened him. He admitted that he did a lot of shit back then and nothing could justify those things. However, he was always a dad first, a villain second. He loves his wife and daughter more than anything in the world, and knowing that someone is threatening them? He was furious. But in this case, he couldn’t do anything. Compared to General Ross? He was powerless. Stark on the other hand? Oh no, he was far from powerless and he could see it from the way he stood behind his son protectively, his gaze was cold and calculative. He knew the man was already creating a plan. Besides, he was not known as a genius for nothing.

“You heard me, Stark. I ain’t playing. General Ross,” he spat out the name as if it was acid, “Paid little ol’me a visit. Told me to gave him all the information about Spiderman or he would not hesitate to visit my family. When I told him no, he did this”. He took a deep breath when he unwrap the bandages from his arm. Tony and Peter winced at the Lichtenberg figure. “Wh..what did he do to you?” Peter asked hesitantly. “Gave me a little shocking, hoping that he could torture the information out from me. The only reason I’m still standing right now is because he, for some reason, has a healer,” that last part gained more attention from the father-son duo.

“Healer? You mean.. an actual healer than can just,” Peter made a hand waving motion to describe something, causing the two men to smile in amusement, “heal you just like that?” Adrian nodded at that. “I don’t know where the fuck they found a person like that, I don’t even know their name, but I’m sure as hell they didn’t work for Ross on their own free will..” he trailed off. “Could you describe them to me?” Tony asked immediately. “I never actually seen how they look like, they usually let the person heal me while I was passed out from the bullshit they put me through. But, I remember their voice. It was a man voice but ya know, I ain’t gonna assume their gender, that’d be rude,” Tony raised a brow at that, but nodded in understanding.

“What else can you tell us about the general? Other than his need to take my son away”.

“He mentioned in passing, well more like talking when I was drifting in and out of consciousness, that he was working with someone else”.


“I’m not sure. But from the way he describes them? They ain’t good news for us.”

They all sat in silence for awhile to ponder on that. Tony and Peter were coming up with plans and ways to protect themselves and their family. Both were surprised with what Toomes told them and they thought it could be a trap. But, Tony was a dad himself, he knew the panic Toomes felt for his family was genuine. Knowing that it was the General? He was disappointed but not surprise at all. He knew what kind of person the general was. He knew he has to tell their family about this news. They promised to not hide anything big anymore and he intend to keep his words. The silence was interrupted by Peter’s small voice.

“Uh.. Mr.Toomes?”

Toomes looked over at him with a raise brow, “Yeah?”

“How.. how did you get out?”

“They gave me my Vulture equipment, told me they upgraded it. They apparently took me out from the place I was being held in so that I could work for them. They out a tracker on my stuff and I knew about it. But, I destroyed each one of those when I purposely crash all over the place when I was trying to get here,” he explained.

“You… crash yourself? Why on earth would you do that?” Tony asked, already exasperated with the man, especially when the injured man just shrugged at him.

“You can’t expect me to bring myself in here when I have a tracker on,”

“I’m Tony motherfucking Stark, the people who works for Ross can’t do shit in my tower,”

“Better safe than sorry,”

“You broke your arm because of it you dumbass,”

“I never said I was a genius, that’s your job,”

Peter watched the banter back and forth as if watching a tennis match. He couldn’t help but let out a soft giggle, alerting the men out from their banter. They looked at Peter and then turned to scoff at each other. Peter ended up snorting and laughing at their in sync reactions. His laughter was contagious because soon, Tony was chuckling and Toomes huffed a laugh. Sure, the news was bad, Toomes was hurt, Peter was in danger, his sister was missing and Tony was gaining more grey hairs by the second. But for now, they’re gonna revel in the calmness. They know that the storm will hit them soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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