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Things got a bit messy after Tony's statement. May was yelling at him, asking him why he never visited Aiden. Tony just let her screamed at him and once she calmed down enough, he looked directly in the eyes. "You're wrong May, I never ignore her, I never abandoned her at all. You see May, the Hunter family was the only family I know that cares about me and love me for who I am. They never judged me, always telling me that I'm nothing like my father. They understands me, May and dare I say that they were my only best friend before I met Rhodey. I met them since I was a kid, we were childhood friends and it kills me, May. It hurt so much when they died. I lost my I lost someone I could call a brother, I lost the only person I could call a sister... I lost my family when they died May... and I-" his breath hitched as he spoke about his family. "And I was so happy that they trusted me enough to let me be their daughter's Godfather... She was my light and joy, you know? I was scared at first, that I'd fucked everything up, that I'd ruined her life... and I was worried that I'd ended up being like Howard to her... But I didn't," he smiled then, a fond smile.

"Raising her was the best thing I ever did in my life May, and I cherished every moment I had with her. May, you and I both know that Richard and Mary did adopt Aiden, but they never brought her home with them," May nodded guiltily at that. "They let Darwin raised her and Darwin knew he couldn't raised her alone, so he called me, the Godfather to help him out. I raised her May, I record videos of her, took pictures of her, I let Darwin take her to the Parkers when Peter was born... I did everything I could to raise her May... So no, I didn't ignore her, I was there for her.. especially after we found her after she was kidnapped for years, May," May's eyes widened at that, because she didn't know what happened.

"She was kidnapped? When? Who- who kidnapped her?" Peter asked, urgency in his voice. Tony looked at him, his eyes was full of sorrow and regret, he look haunted. Bruce, gently held his hand and guided him to take a seat. "It's okay if you don't wanna tell us... I know it's hard on you, Tony," he said gently to the engineer. Tony shook his head,"No... May...May and Peter deserves to know and I think you should take a seat for this... all of you should seat, if you want to listen anyway," and since all of the wanted to know, they all sat around him.

"May, do you remember back then, when Peter was a year old and you guys were going to celebrate his birthday?" he asked and May nodded. "Yes, I remember that. She didn't come at all, even Darwin didn't come... don't tell me--" she stopped talking in order to gasped in shock. "She was kidnapped on that day, May. Darwin was beaten up badly and I arrived too late to save her," he gazed down in shame, obviously blaming himself for not being fast enough. Peter saw how his dad was feeling guilty, so he calmly rub Tony's back up and down. "It's not your fault, dad," Tony glanced at him and nodded halfheartedly and took a deep breath. "On that day, I was going to go with her so that I could meet you," he looked up at Peter as he said that. "Aiden never stops talking about you, you know? She told me that when Darwin took her to see you when you're born, she immediately declared that you were her baby brother," he chuckled softly at that. "So, after listening to her stories about her little baby brother," Peter blushed at that, "I was curious about you, you know? So yeah, I told her that I'd go to your mini birthday party with her. She was so excited that you could see her whole face lit up in excitement," he chuckled fondly.

"But, they took her away from me... I watched the security cameras and saw how they... they ripped her away from Darwin... she was fighting back... she has always been a little fighter and she almost escaped but when they put a gun to Darwin's head, she stopped fighting... she let them took her away..." he sighed heavily.

"Tony, who took her? Who took our baby girl?" May asked, tears were running down her cheeks. "It was Hydra," he spat out bitterly. "Those bastards knew about her parents death and decided to take her away to train her to be a soldier for them," his sadness was gone and was replaced by anger. "But how? How did they know about their death? There was no news about their death," May asked which caused Tony to clenched his fist in anger. "Because they were the ones who planned their death! William died in a planned car crashed when he was on his way to the hospital and Aella died at childbirth that wouldn't happened due to her special heritage, her special blood. She died because right after Aiden was born, a nurse, injected her already weakened body with poison. She couldn't fight the poison in her body and she died almost immediately. If it wasn't because of Darwin who entered the labor in panic, the damn nurse could have taken Aiden when she was a newborn," everyone was too shocked to say anything as silence engulfed them. It was Loki who broke the silence.

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