Hunt and Revive

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The aftermath after the explosion.


Hello everyone! I'm aliveeeeeeeeeeee! :D
Alright, I'm really sorry for the late update. College was a pain and im actually having my finals now, but I got so many request from you guys for me to update.
So, I decided to give you guys a small chapter.
I'm sorry it's a short chapter, but I really hope you guys like it!

Peter couldn't breathe. His sister was caught, and her mansion exploded. He lost his sister again. Couldn't feel anything, he was trapped again. He lost someone again, just like how he lost his parents and his uncle Ben. He was sure that his Parker Luck will take someone away again. The damn luck almost took his life away. It was only in a matter of time when his luck will take aunt May and his dad away. Within time, everyone will be gone and left him alone. Peter doesn't want to be alone, he can't, he's absolutely terrified of being alone.

Tony immediately turned to look at his son, seeing how his son's eyes were unfocused and his breathing was short. He knew it was another attack, triggered by the fact he just saw his sister, someone he just got back weeks ago, caught by someone. Tony gently knelt in front of his son who felt to his knees, panting hard.

"Peter, Peter you gotta listen to me kiddo. Listen to my voice, kid. You're okay, you're okay Peter. No one's leaving you, bud. We're here, I'm here," he said soothingly, gently bringing Peter closer for a hug. He laid Peter's head against his chest, to let him hear his heartbeat. To show Peter that he's still there, alive and well.

Peter slowly began to register the sound of his dad's heartbeat. He could feel his dad's strong arms wrapping around him in a hug. He could hear his dad's soothing voice. He followed his dad's breathing and focused on his dad's voice, slowly calming down from yet another attack. He slowly opened his eyes to look up at his dad who was looking down at him with a soft smile but his eyes were full of concern.

"Welcome back, Bambi",

"Dad! Th-they... they got Aiden! They took her!"

Peter cried, he didn't care if the rogues or his new family were watching. He cried, because he felt like he lost another person that he loved and cared about. He lost his sister, for the third time right after she just got back. He buried his face against his dad's chest, sobbing.

"I know Pete, I know. But trust me, we will find her. We will bring her back Peter. And kiddo, look at me please," Tony gently lifted up Peter's chin so that he could look up at him. Peter looked at his dad, he saw the fire in his dad's eyes that showed that he was determined to find Aiden back. "Trust me Peter, those guys will regret to ever mess with our family. We will find them, and we will bring her back. Because we're not just Starks or Parkers, we're also Hunters. We're a part of her own family just like how she is definitely a part of ours. And what does a hunter do, Pete?" Peter sat up straighter, wiping his tears away he looked at his dad, feeling his spirit being lifted up.

"We hunt".


Somewhere else, deep in their base, a tall, bulky man was talking to his lackeys. Giving orders and he smiled in satisfaction as he saw his men bringing in his most valuable asset. He smirked at the sight of the injured asset. He hummed in thoughts as he looked at what he would have to fix. A broken arm and leg, probably a concussion and a few broken ribs.

"Welcome back, Asset. We will patch you up and you, will bring us the greatest mind ever known to human before Tony Stark was born. You will help us, to revive him," he grinned and looked towards a cyro chamber. In there, lies a corpse.

"You, will finally be our asset, the Silver Huntress. You are ours now, Hydra's, Aiden Hunter. You are valuable to us, to me, your powers are something else. After all, you did revive Peggy Carter and Pietro Maximoff, but you betrayed us. No worries, we will fix that, and then you will help us," his smile when he looked back at the unconscious girl, was cold and predatory as his eyes were gleaming with obvious delight as he said his next words.

"You will revive, Howard Stark".


Regarding the votes i asked in the last chapter, here's the current votes!

For Tony:
FrostIron - 1
IronStrange - 3
Stony - 2
Pepperony - 1

For Peter:
InterWebChelle(PeterXNedXMichelle) - 1
Pietro (Crush) - 2
SpideyChelle - 2
InterWeb (NedXPeter) - 1
Spideypool (De-aged Deadpool) - 1
Single -2

Keep sending your votes, guys!

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