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The morning went perfectly well after Tony explained the whole thing to Pepper, they were currently watching a movie together in the lounge with the men of the group focusing on the movie while the women chatted happily with each other. Which, by far, was the scariest thing to ever happen. Pepper alone was scary enough, but adding a Death Goddess and a Valkyrie -which her real name happens to be Brunhilde after being asked by Pepper and only Peter and Pepper were allowed to call her Brunny or Brunhilde- the three of them would be unstoppable. Tony was quite glad that the Black Widow, Natasha Romanov was not with them at the moment. However, he forgot one person, until F.R.I.D.A.Y announced the person's arrival.

"Sir, Mrs. Parker has arrived and Happy is helping her carrying a box."

"Thanks, baby girl, just let her up as usual, yeah?"

"Of course, Sir."

"May is here." Peter stated and Tony nodded. "May is here, with Pepper and Ms. Hela and Brunny. Dad, May will meet them," Tony eyes widened when he realized what would happen. "Oh shit... the three of them are already scary enough, but adding May? That's a killer blow..." He said and the other men in the room who didn't know who May was just watched in confusion. "You'll see," Tony said solemnly while Pepper grinned. "Oooohhh, this will be fun! You will love May Parker!"

"May Parker?" Bruce asked. "My aunt! I can't wait for the surprise she wanted to show me!" Peter was starting to jump excitedly, he wasn't even worried about the four strongest and scariest women he ever known meeting together. He just wanted to know what the surprise was. So, being the ever hyperactive kid he was, he jumped around excitedly which made Tony smiled at him in amusement.

"Give him a pair of puppy ears and puppy tail, you'll get a puppy Peter Parker Stark," at those words, Peter pouted at him. "M'not a puppy!" which Tony just raised his eyebrows at him. "And I'm not Iron Man," Peter pouted at him again but it was quickly changed to a huge grin once the elevator opened and he saw his aunt. "May! You're here!" he immediately glomped his aunt and hugged her close. "Can I see the surprise now? Is it in the box? Oh, hi Happy! Are you carrying the surprise, Happy?" He was bouncing and talking quickly in a breath that everyone was worried he might ended up suffocating.

"Peter, Peter honey, calm down," May chuckled as she held Peter's shoulder, stopping him from bouncing around. It was as if Peter was having an unlimited amount of energy because he was still vibrating impatiently. "I received a package, the box Happy is holding from someone," that brought Peter's attention as he stopped moving and looked at her. "From who?" May smiled softly and a bit nostalgically.

"From Darwin," Peter's eyes immediately widened in surprise. "Darwin? Darwin Wilder? Isn't that... isn't that her... butler?" he asked in a soft voice, almost as if he couldn't believe it at all. May nodded at him. "The one and only Darwin Wilder we know about. He sent a package and he said, the package was originally from her..." Peter gasped softly and his eyes started to water. "She... she sent it to me? To us? But why? Wait... she's still alive? She's still here?" May immediately hugged him as he cried softly.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but what's going on, May? Peter? What's wrong?" Tony asked gently as to not to surprise the duo. "Nothing's wrong Tony, is just that we received a surprise package from our long lost family member," May replied calmly, but everyone could see the pain in her eyes as she spoke about the long lost member. "My sister, she was, well is, my sister. Not biologically, but my parents adopted her when her parents died right after she was born..." Peter said softly as he looked up to meet Tony's eyes. "Her name is Aiden. Aiden Luna Hunter-Parker," at that name, Tony's eyes widened.

"I know her... Peter, I know who she is!" He said and his face was slightly pale. May and Peter looked up at him in confusion. "How is that possible, Tony?" May asked, urgency was evidence in her voice. "How can you know my baby?" Tony looked at her and took a deep breath. "Because before Aella and William Hunter died, they left two separate wills. One for your parents and the other one was for me. In your parent's will, they asked them to adopt her. While in mine, they asked me to be something more to her rather than just a stranger," Tony gulped down his anxiousness as he continued on.

"They asked me to be her Godfather".

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