Just another morning

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After the dinner they had after the watching all of the movies, they ended up falling asleep on the communal floor's living room. Hela and Loki were curled up on each of Thor's side while Thor had both his arms spread as a pillow for his siblings. Valkyrie were sleeping just below the royal siblings' feet and Bruce was sleeping on the loveseat. Tony and Peter were cocooned with their fluffy blanket and Peter was sleeping on top of Tony on the couch. He had his head over Tony's chest, the sound of Tony's beating heart was calming to him. Tony had his hand on top of Peter's unruly curly hair and he'd ruffle the hair whenever he felt Peter shifted in his sleep.

That was the sight Pepper saw when she came up to the communal floor. She was undeniably surprise to see Thor, Bruce, Loki and the other two women she never met before. She asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to take some pictures of them, mainly Tony and Peter before deciding to wake them up. She carefully walked towards the sleeping father-son duo and gently shook Tony's shoulder.

"Tony, it's time to wake up love," she said softly and smiled in amusement when Tony blindly swatted her hand away while his other hand never left Peter's hair. She shook her head and turned to wake Peter up instead. "Pete, wake up, dear. It's morning already, honey," she whispered softly to him as to not surprised him awake since the boy's sense were enhanced. Peter shifted a bit and Tony ruffled his hair again which causes the boy to slowly open his eyes. He lazily looked up at Pepper and she was rewarded with his adorable sleepy smile with his eyes closed and a drowsy smile plastered on his face.

"Morning Ms. Potts," he said groggily as he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes with his fist. Pepper mentally cooed at him and smiled fondly at the doe eyed boy. "Good morning, sweetheart and it's Pepper," Peter just nodded at her. He then realized that he was lying on top of Tony as he was trying to get up. He blushed furiously and tried to get up before the man wakes up. However, the slightest of his movement causes Tony to cuddled him close and the man continued to ruffle his hair. Tony murmured softly but both Pepper and Peter could heard what he said.

"Don't take my son away..."

Both Pepper and Peter softened at the statement. Peter gently reached up to hold Tony's face in his hands. "Dad? I'm not going anywhere. Open your eyes, please. You'll see me in front of you, no one is taking me away from you," he said gently and smiled softly as Tony slowly opened his eyes when he heard his son talking.


"Hey dad," he smiled fondly at his dad and his smile brightened when his smile was returned. "Think you can let me get up? Pepper is here and I'm pretty sure she'll cook breakfast for us," he said and chuckled when Pepper rolled her eyes at him but there was a small smile on her already stunning look.

"Oh sure, sure... sorry 'bout that Pete," Tony said as he let go of his son. "There's nothing to be sorry for. Beside, I like it... and it, it make me feel safe," Peter blushed and smiled shyly at his dad as he said that when he manage to stand up. "Well, I'm your dad, it's my responsibility to keep you safe and sound, Bambi," Tony said as he sat up and smiled at his son. Pepper watched the interaction and felt a surge of warmth through her body. She knew how both of them love each other and how much they cared for each other's being. She was glad that Peter came into their life, especially Tony's. She could literally see how much the man had changed. He became more open with his feelings, he stopped drinking completely, he was getting more sleep and even went out for a morning walk. All because of Peter.

At first, it was just because he wanted to be a good mentor for Peter, but now, it was more because he wanted to be in shape, to be healthy so that he could watch Peter, his son, grow up. He didn't want to be sick or do anything that could keep him away from Peter forever. He wanted to be with his son, because Peter needs him just as much as him needing Peter. Pepper knew that when it comes to parenting, the man was actually a natural and he was indeed a better father than his own father would ever be. There were good for each other, she never saw any of them stop smiling or just being affectionate to either each other or to anyone else. It was indeed shocking to see the so called egoistical man being all soft and showed a lot of emotions. But, it was a good thing and no one is complaining.

"Hey Pep," Tony's voice brought her out from her thoughts. She smiled at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips before pulling away. "Just that? Don't I deserve more morning kisses?" Tony said while wiggling his eyebrows at her. She rolled her eyes at him. "You smell. You both do. So go take a bath while I wake up our visitors and prepare breakfast". "But Peppppppp!" he whined causing Peter to chuckle at his dad childish antics. "More kisses later, I promise. Now, go," Pepper said and she nearly squeaked in surprise when Tony suddenly got up and stole a quick kiss from her before he ran to his room.

"I swear that guy will be the death of me," she grumbled. "But you love him anyway," Peter said cheekily causing Pepper to glared halfheartedly at him. Peter chuckled before getting up and went to his own to take a shower.

"Now, to wake up the others," Pepper said with a sigh. "This should be fun".


It turns out that waking up a couple of demigod, demigoddess, an ex warrior and an old friend was not hard at all. All Pepper needed to do was to wake up Thor and his loud booming voice when he saw her was enough to wake the others up. After telling the visitors to clean themselves up, Pepper went to make breakfast. She decided to make a ton of pancakes for all of them. As she was cooking, she heard the sound of an overly excited boy talking with none other than his dad about some science stuff that she couldn't really understand.

"....I think that could make my webs more durable! What do you think dad? Could we try it out? We could ask for Dr.Banner's opinion as well!" at this point, Peter was bouncing on his feet, a pure excitement shown in his eyes and his whole being seemed to be glowing with excitement like and overly hyper puppy.

"Slow down, kiddo. Why don't we have breakfast first? I'm sure Pepper cooked a lot of extras for us," Tony said with a shake of his head in amusement at the boy's antics. "Oh! Sure! But we gotta wait for Thor and Loki and Hela and and Vally oh and Dr.Banner too!" he was still bouncing and talking a lot in a short breath. Tony immediately hold his shoulders. "Bambi, breathe please? Calm down kiddo. Jesus, kid who gave you candy this early?" Tony couldn't help but chuckled as his son pouted at him.

"I'm just so pumped up! And beside, May is coming over with a surprise! So I'm really excited for it!"

"I know you are, Pete. But let's eat first okay?" Tony smiled at his son in amusement as the said son nodded his head and dashed to the dining table and sat down. Just as he sat down, the others came and took a seat as well.

"Lady Pepper! It's so kind of you to cook something for us!"

"Oh don't mention it, Thor. I hope you like pancakes," Pepper smiled kindly at the visitors and looked at Bruce. "And it's good to have you back, Bruce," said man smiled shyly at her. "Now, I do think I deserve an explanation from all of you, so care to enlighten me, my dear?" she said with a sickly sweet smile. The men in the group gulped while the women smirked, " I like her," both women said and Pepper winked at them.

"So, mind telling me what happened?" Pepper said as she casually said beside Tony after she gave everyone their pancakes. And so, Tony started to recall yesterday event as they all had breakfast together. All in all, it was just another morning for them.

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