Briefing and A Call

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The Rogues is being briefed by the new Avengers about their Trials.
Oh and they got a call :D


I'm so sorry for the late update! I really hope this chapter isn't too confusing or too rushed. Please let me know if I got anything wrong.

This chapter is not Beta'd, just like the rest of the other chapters.

I hope you guys enjoy it!

The tension in the room was so thick that you could probably cut it with a knife. The Rogues, minus Bucky and Natasha were staring at Tony and the New Avengers. Rogers were glaring at Stark who was sitting at the other end of the table, who was also ignoring the glare as he was looking at them one by one. He took note at how the rogues were sitting on his left while the new team sat on his right with Peter being beside him. Having his son close to him was enough to ground him. The Royal Siblings as well as Brunnhilde and Bruce were looking at the rogues with calculating looks. Rhodey was looking at a StarkPad with Pepper. Peggy and Pietro were looking at Steve and Wanda respectively. All in all it was a tense silence in the room that it was starting to suffocate him and it made Peter anxious if the boy's fingers drumming the table was anything to go by.

"Okay this is getting ridiculous," an annoyed yet amused voice snapped all of them from any thoughts. All heads turned to look at Aiden who was standing beside Tony who was sitting. She rolled her eyes at them. "Does anyone wants coffee or tea for this meeting? Want some snacks as well? I could go get some while you guys snap out of it and start talking. Seriously, enough with all the silence and tension. We're supposed to be discussing about what would happen to the Rogues during their trials, not glaring each other down and start another fucking Civil War. Now, I will go get some drinks and snacks for us, and you guys could start the meeting. I'm not even needed here, I'm just here for moral support. By the time I got back with those drinks and snacks, there should be some things being discussed, understood?" her tone was clear and demanding, akin to the ones who held an authority over something. Judging by the fact that she have an Alpha wolf spirit in her, she does have an authority, a power of one at least.

Everyone just stared at her for awhile until Peggy let out a soft, amused laugh. "Leave it to you to break the tension, Aiden," she said with an amused smile. Aiden just shrugged her shoulders. "So, what do you guys wants to drink? I'm sure Tony wants coffee along with Rhodey, tea for Pepper,Bruce, Loki and Nanna Peggy. Juice for Pietro and Peter, some whiskey for Brunny, an Asgardian mead for Thor and green tea for Hela. Did I get that right?" she asked and they just nodded in amusement. "Alright, so what about you guys?" she asked, looking at the Rogues. They seemed to be analyzing her for any scheme by the looks they were giving her.. Fortunately, Bucky answered almost immediately. "Just bring us some tea and coffee since I'm sure none of them would answer you. As for snacks, I'm fine with anything," he said and received a pleased smile from the wolfling. "Alright, I'll be back with them, so you may start whatever you need to discuss now," with that, she walked out from the room making it silent again.

"Is it just me, or did she just gave us an order?" Scott asked to no one in particular. "Yes, yes she did and not listening to her orders will be a death wish and since I value my life, let's start, shall we?" Tony said as he stood up to retrieve something from the table at the side. He came back with some copies of the new and old Accords and handed them to Peter. Peter smiled and started to distribute the papers to the Rogues. "Now, I know you guys still don't trust the Accords. That's the reason we fought in the first place. Well... that and some other personal things that I didn't actually expect to happen," Steve internally winced at that.

"Alright, before you say anything about this Accord without actually reading all of it, I want you to actually read it. Both the previous one and the new one. I want you to understand fully that this here, is the voice of 117 countries, and this is definitely under the United Nations panel, not the government. So, I'm going to give you some time to read this later. Right now, I want to tell you guys about what you guys will need to do during your Trial Months," he paused to take some breath and continued, "After the Civil War -as dubbed by the public- happened, people started to think that you guys are nothing but trouble. However, there are still some people who believed in you guys but that doesn't mean they're not wary of you guys. Especially after what happened in Lagos," at that Steve flinched knowing that people died there. That didn't stop Wanda from scoffing though.

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