Here for you

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(3rd pov)

Peter woke up from his first peaceful slumber after the Vulture event. He yawned and stretched a bit before a wonderful smell hit his nose. He immediately got up, still in his suit and ran to the kitchen. There, he saw a sight that he never knew he could see. It was Tony Stark, with an Ironman apron, by the high-tech stove. He watched in awe at his mentor, who was flipping pancakes like a pro. The smell hit his nose again and this time, a loud growl could be heard. He flushed instantly when Tony turned around to face him.

"Morning, kid. I bet you're hungry from the loud growling I heard," Tony said with amusement lacing his voice.

"M-m-morning Mr.Stark! And, y-yeah I'm kinda hungry..." Peter flushed and looked anywhere but Tony. Tony smiled a soft small smile at his Spiderling. "Take a seat, kid. I think I've made enough pancakes for the both of us," he said while serving Peter a tall tower of pancakes with syrup. Peter drooled at the sight of the food in front of him, he looked at Tony who already took the apron off and sat in across from him from the dining table. "Well kid, what are you waiting for? Eat up,Underoos," with that being said, Peter practically inhaled the pancakes and he sighed in delight, an easy, happy, satisfied smile made its way through his face.

Tony couldn't help but smiled fondly at the relaxed look the kid was giving. He knew that what happened last night won't just stop immediately, he was aware that Peter would have a bad time like that again. He knew it would take a lot of time, but he was willing to help the kid. The kid, for some reasons he couldn't even understand, was a lot like Tony Stark, himself. Tony knew the feeling of guilt, grieve, having nightmares and waking up with a huge chance of having a panic attack. He knew exactly how it felt and he would help Peter through with it. Besides, seeing the carefree smile of the kid, was worth it.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter's usual energetic voice snapped him out from his thoughts. He looked at the boy, too young and too precious for the cruel world. He raised a brow at him, in a way to ask, "what?". Peter smiled sheepishly at him, "Can I have more pancakes please? Your pancakes are just so delicious Mr. Stark!". Tony smiled in amusement and added more pancake on Peter's plate. "Eat up, kid," he said and Peter grinned at him before going back to inhaling the pancakes.

At that moment, Tony thought that he could get use to this.


He couldn't breathe. His chest felt heavy. He was crushed again. He was cold. He's dying. He could feel the shield on his arc reactor, he could feel every pain jolted up through his already tired and beaten up body. He tried to call for help, he saw him. He saw the guy who was responsible for the pain on his body. He saw Steve above him, with the shield his own father, Howard Stark made for Steve. He tried to kick him off him, he struggled all he could. Then he saw it. He saw Steve, his supposed friend, raising the shield up high and swung it down towards his chest. He screamed.

"MR. STARK WAKE UP!" he heard a voice yelled loudly at him. If it was under different situation, he would glare at whoever who dared to yell at him like that. But he was still under his own nightmare. He was still facing Steve Rogers. He didn't realize he was throwing punches until someone grabbed his fist and he started to panic again, thinking that it was Steve.

"Tony... Tony! It's me, Tony! It's Peter! It's your friendly neighborhood Spiderman!" the same voice said, in a voice full of urgency and worry. He snapped his eyes open to see Peter, who was looking at him worriedly with one hand holding his fist. "Mr. Stark? Tony? Breathe please.. breathe..." Peter said gently as he got closer to Tony. He held Tony's hand, the one he was holding, to his chest. "Follow my breathing, okay? In... out... in...out... Alright that's it Mr. Stark. You're okay now, you're okay," Peter said in a such gentle and caring way that made something in Tony just broke. He didn't even realize the tears that ran down his cheeks until he saw Peter looking at him in alarm.

"Oh my God... Mr. Stark! I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you? Are you hurt? You're crying..." Peter was panicking because he would never expect, his idol, his mentor, his father figure, who was known to be strong and collected, to have a such terrible nightmare and is now crying in front of him. "It hurts..." he heard Tony spoke, voice so soft that he couldn't have heard it if it was not because of his enhance hearing. "Where?" Peter asked gently, he saw down beside Tony, looking at him with his eyes full of concern. "" was Tony's reply as he gently touch his chest. His heart, hurt so much. Hurt from the betrayal, from the lies, from everything people blamed him for.

Peter's eyes widened in surprised before he looked at his mentor sadly. Without thinking, he just hugged Tony. "It's okay Mr. Stark. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. That's a promise!" Peter said as he hugged Tony. Tony froze in shock, not expecting the kid, his kid, the same boy who cried his heart out a night before to hug him in attempt to comfort him. "You don't have to tell me what happened yet, Mr. Stark. Just.. just know that I'll be here for you. You said you'd be here for me, right? Well, if that's the case, then I'll be here for you too..." Tony listened at what the Spiderling said. Tony was about to tell the kid that the kid didn't have to deal with Tony's own problems, but before he could, Peter started to talk again. His voice was gentle, soft, full of concern and worry, and his voice was packed with such sincerity that Tony haven't heard from anyone for a long time.

"Before you say things like 'I can handle this kid,' or 'It's not your problem, kid' or the usual 'I'm fine, kid', I'm gonna stop you now. This time, it's my turn, this is the teen's turn to talk and you need to listen to me," Peter said firmly. Tony was again, surprised as he actually felt to oblige the kid. So, he did. "Tony, I didn't know what happened to you back during in so called 'Civil War' with the Rouges. But I knew that they hurt you, badly. I want you to know that I won't let that happen again. I.. I care about you Tony.. I really do.. and seeing hurt and this kills me... I don't like it, not one bit. Tony, I know that I'm young, that I'm just another high school kid.. I know that.. But, that doesn't mean that I couldn't help you out... I could help you Tony, just like how you're helping me... But.. You need to let me help you like how I'm letting you to help me.. We can take things slowly... You don't have to tell me anything, just tell me if you need some company, or some help.. Because I'd be here for you.. just like.. just like how you're here for me..." .

Tony was silent the whole time Peter was talking. The room was surrounded with silence that made Peter nervous. He didn't want to cross any lines, but he really couldn't stand seeing Tony like that. Peter was about to talk again when Tony suddenly looked at him. Tony's eyes were red and puffy. " called me Tony..." Peter chuckled softly and nodded his head. "Yeah... I think I could get use to calling you Tony..." Peter said with a soft shy smile. "And I could get use to having you, helping me deal with my... issues..." Peter's eyes brightened at what Tony said. "I'll help you no matter what, Mr. Stark! I--I mean.. Tony! I won't let you down..." Tony smiled at him and gently ruffled his curly hair.

"Kid, I know you won't let me down.. If anything, I know that you won't stop making me feel proud of you. Never, and I mean never change from being who you are, Peter," Peter smiled at him and nodded. "Of course I won't change! I'm Peter Parker, the ultimate Spiderman!" Peter declared, causing a chuckle to come out from Tony. Peter grinned at Tony who smirked back at him before a soft smile formed on their faces.

"I'm here for you".

"So am I".

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