It hurts

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(3rd pov)

Later that night, after the other three adults went back to their respective floors, Tony went to the rooftop with Peter. He wanted to ask Peter about what he said earlier when he just arrived. He wanted to know what causes him to have a bad day. So, there they were, on the rooftop, gazing at the stars with a fluffy and soft blanket over them both, along with a mug of hot chocolate.

"So, Pete?" Tony started and Peter hummed in reply. "Mind telling me why you're having a bad day?" At that question, Peter tensed before releasing a heavy sigh. "Well... I woke up feeling..-to be blunt- absolute shit... It's like nothing is right at all and everything was ticking me off today. On top of that, my senses were all over the place! It's not like it goes high wire but it keeps going on and off! One moment I couldn't hear much, the next I could hear the beating of someone's heart! It was frustrating and it hurts my head a lot. And then, there's Flash," at that one particular name, Tony narrowed his eyes. He knew how Flash has been treating his kid and he always tried to ask Peter to let him out or at least fight back. But Peter, being the kid with heart of gold he was, refused to do both.

"What did Flash do this time?" Tony asked, and calmed himself for everything. "The first time he bothered me, well us -me, MJ and Ned- he said... he said that I'm lying about my internship about me knowing Spiderman..well technically I do know Spiderman because I'm Spiderman.. and then he said.. well.." Peter sighed and just stared at the city lights from the rooftop. "He said that only pathetic morons would hang out with me... and then MJ defended me.. well me and Ned," as he remembered that moment, he smiled and chuckled lightly. "You could have seen Flash's face! He was so shocked and pissed because he stomped off after MJ chewed him out," Tony smirked at that. "Good to know that you have another friend to back you up," Peter smiled at that. "Yeah," he smiled wavered when he remembered the other thing that Flash said. Tony, who's known the kid, his kid, for awhile now, knew that something else had happened. He put both his and Peter's mug to the side and hugged him close gently.

"What else did he said, Peter? It's alright, I won't get mad at you, Bambi" he said softly. Peter smiled at the new nickname and cuddled closer to Tony as he started to tell him about what Flash had said. "Flash... he... well..." he sighed again before gathering his courage because he knew that he had to tell Tony. He knew he couldn't bottle up his feelings like he always do. With a deep breath, he started again. "He shoved me to my locker and he said that MJ won't hang out with me that long... and that no one would ever stay with me that long... then he said... he said that.. my parents... and uncle.. and uncle Ben died.. b-be-because they..." his breath hitched as his eyes started to get watery, "because they want to run away... from... from a pathetic kid like me..." reaching his point, he sobbed, hard. Tony immediately rocked him back and forth gently.

"I know it's not true... I-I-I know th-that.. but...but it hurts Tony... it hurts so much... I never asked to be born... I never asked for them to die.. I didn't ask to be alive when they are dead.... I-I just... it hurts..." Tony was pissed. Not only that brat brought up about Peter's dead parents and uncle, but he dared to tell Peter that they died because they didn't want to be with Peter because he was pathetic? Tony would love to tear that boy limb by limb, but at that moment, Peter needs him. He needs to help Peter to calm down.

"Peter, hey kid... can you look at me?" Tony asked gently, Peter hesitated, not wanting to show Tony how vulnerable he looked because of some damn bully. "Petey.. Bambi.. hey.. look at me please?"Tony asked again, holding Peter by his shoulders so that Peter could look at him. Shakily, Peter looked up at his mentor, his hero, his dad with teary red eyes, flushed face and the biggest frown ever. It broke Tony's heart to see his son so broken like that because of a bully. He gently wiped Peter's tears and cupped his cheeks gently with his calloused hands. "Peter, I may not know your parents nor your uncle Ben, but I know that they love you. They love their little boy. Their death wasn't because of you and no Peter, Ben's death wasn't because of you either. They didn't die because they don't want to be with you. That Flash kid is wrong, so horribly wrong and stupid that I'm starting to question how the fuck did that stupid asshole is in your school? Like how is he in that school for genius kid when he couldn't even think rationally and stupidly say things like that? I'm gonna sue your school one day, for this..." he stopped a bit when he realized that he was rambling before he continued, " Flash is another asshole that doesn't like it when someone is better than him. He knew that you're better than him in so many aspects that's why he picked on you. Don't listen to any bullshit he said to you, Pete. I know how it feels like to be bullied, happened to be when I was in MIT back then... anyway.. back to the topic, you mom, dad and uncle Ben love you so much Peter... and you have aunt Hottie and look kid, you have me... I'm legally your dad now, kiddo and would you look at that, you have Rhodey, Pepper, Happy, Vision, well he's not here at the moment but he likes you kid, and you have your friends, Ted and DJ," Peter chuckled, "It's Ned and MJ," Tony shrugged, "Yeah.. whatever, you have them.. you have us.. and believe me Peter, none of us are going to leave you alone..." he said firmly.

Peter looked into his eyes, to find any lies but he knew he won't find any because Tony was being honest, his sincerity was as clear as day in his voice, his eyes showed how much he really loves and cares for Peter. Even so, Peter had a small doubt. He couldn't be sure that all of them would stay by his side. They'd leave just like how his parents and uncle did. Tony must have seen the doubt in his eyes because the next thing he knew, Tony was hugging him again and ruffling his hair gently. "Kid, I promise you that as long as I live, I would never ever ever leave you... I will be here for you... Nothing can make me leave you all alone in this world, kiddo. I won't leave you, I will be here for you... we promised, remember? I'll be here for you and you'll be here for me," he said in a such soothing voice that Peter visibly relaxed and calmed down. "I believe you... I always believed you and I trust you dad..." Peter said as he hugged his dad in return, snuggling against his dad's chest for comfort. Tony couldn't help but saw how small Peter was. How Peter was basically, a kid, his kid and like hell he'll let anyone hurt his kid. He won't let that happen.

"I know you do, Bambi. I won't let you down," Peter looked up at him with a smile so sincere and eyes twinkling with such trust and honesty that made Tony's heart melt.

"You never let me down, dad."

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