Movie night!

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Later that night, Peter, Tony, the 'Revengers' and Hela were in the common floor, watching Big Hero 6 together. Tony had Peter laying his head on his lap while his legs sprawled across the couch, a bucket of popcorn in his hands. Thor and Loki were on the loveseat, stealing popcorn from Bruce who was sitting beside them. Hela and Valkyrie were next to Peter on another couch. Valkyrie was drinking a bottle of Whiskey while Hela was gracefully sipping her cup of coffee.

"Tadashi is a hero, a great big brother as well. Unlike someone I know," Loki said as he glanced at Thor. "What does that suppose to mean, brother? Am I not your best brother?" Thor asked with his head tilted a bit. "You're my only brother, but definitely not he best. I prefer sister Hela over you," Loki scoffed as Thor whined saying how Loki wasn't being fair. Hela glanced at them, "Don't drag me in your pathetic worthless argument," she said coldly. "As far as I know, I don't have any brothers," she said and Loki just raised a brow at her, "And as far as I know, dear sister, you never existed in our life until Odin died".

"Excuse me, Mr. Thor, Mr. Loki and Ms. Hela," Peter's soft voiced interrupted their 'small' banter. They looked at him questioningly. "Could you keep your voice down, please? I wanna watch the movie...." he said shyly and ducked his head down when they stared at him. Valkyrie groaned and threw a pillow at Thor and Loki before smacking Hela over the head. "Stop scaring the poor boy! And he's right, we're trying to watch a damn movie, not listening to your sibling spats," she said and looked at them in the eyes, daring them to challenge her. The three siblings immediately shut up, even the oh so powerful Hela.

"Thank you, Ms. Valkyrie," Peter said softly with a small smile. Valkyrie grinned at him and stood up to ruffle his soft curly brown hair. "No problem, squirt! I've been dealing with their stupid sibling spats ever since we boarded the ship. I know how to shut them up and no need to call me Ms. Valkyrie. You could call me Vally, and I only allow you to call me that," Peter smiled and nodded eagerly. "Thank you, Vally!" Valkyrie grinned at him while Tony chuckled in amusement and smiled as his son fondly. "Look at you, making everyone you meet melt and all soft," Tony teased, earning a bashful Peter in return.

"Why does he gets to call you that? We met you first!" Thor demanded and Valkyrie deadpanned, "Because unlike you three problematic royal siblings, Peter is nice and lovely," with that she went back to sit beside Hela and drank another bottle of Whiskey.

They continued to watch the movie in silence. Until it was broken by a loud rumbling from Peter. He blushed brightly when all of them looked at him. "S-s-sorry, I guess I'm a little hungry..." he sat up and scratched the back of his neck. Tony chuckled and pat his back gently. "Let's order some food, does Pizza sounds good?" Peter turned his head so quick that Tony was worried he might broke his neck. Peter looked at him with his wide doe brown eyes, "Can we have pizza, please?" Tony stared at his eyes and he could feel his resolves crumbled. "Your eyes are a pair of deadly weapons that it should be illegal for you to have those eyes," Tony grumbled and asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to ordered a lot of pizzas for them. Peter just grinned innocently, "It's not my fault that my eyes are your weakness," Tony scoffed at that. "Correction, your eyes are everyone's weakness. This is why I call you Bambi. It really suits your doe eyes," he smirked when Peter blushed furiously as his nickname.

"I hate you," he stated without any heat, making Tony grinned more before poking his side. "Oh, do you now? You hate me? Let's see about that..." He started to poke Peter's sides and Peter squealed and tried to get away from the prying fingers. He was ticklish and everyone knows it.

"That's cheating!" He yelped, laughed and squealed whenever Tony tickled him. "This is your punishment for hating me," Tony said casually.

"I give! I give! Oh my God, dad! Stop tickling me!"

"Nahhhhh, not what I wanna hear,"

"I love you! I could never hate you, you're my dad!" Peter exclaimed between his laughter and Tony finally stopped. "See, that wasn't so hard to admit, was it?" Peter huffed and pouted at his dad. "That's cheating," Tony laughed and ruffled his hair fondly. "Yeah, but it was a bliss to hear you laugh like that, you know?" he smiled fondly at Peter who returned his smile.

While they were having their heartwarming moment, the other onlookers just watched them with various feelings. The royal siblings watched in jealousy, never having their father to shower them with that kind of affection. Valkyrie watched with fondness as she could see how both of them love each other. Bruce smiled and felt a surge of protectiveness seeped into both him and Hulk. He wanted nothing more than to protect the father-son duo. He never seen Tony that happy before, he wanted to protect the laughter and smile. As for Peter, he just met the kid a few hours ago and he was already feeling protective over the kid. Maybe because it was the kid who made his friend happy, or maybe because Peter was just too precious. He had never seen someone so young, gave someone older than him a wise look. He never knew he could ever met someone as curious, as kind, and as smart as Peter. When Peter told him earlier that he read all of his works and admire him for who he is and not just because of the Hulk, it warmed his heart. Hell, even the grumpy Hulk likes the kid.

"I wish our father could show us some love like that," Thor muttered softly. "It was always, 'Do this' 'Do that' 'Don't do this' 'Don't do that'... He even hide the fact that we have an older sister from us," he said bitterly.

"I may be the oldest and by far, the strongest among us. Doesn't mean what he did to me did not hurt me. I know I was wrong and he was scared. But to just abandoned your own child? No wonder Loki hates him," Hela said, her tone unreadable.

"He always pushed me to be more like Thor. Always preferring Thor over me. Only...Only Frigga cared about me back then... but, I guess having a brother like you doesn't hurt, either," Thor chuckled and pulled both his brother and sister to a hug. "Come on, now! We have each other now, don't we? All is well when we're together!" He boomed while hugging his siblings. Hela looked ready to kill him while Loki was blushing in embarrassment. Peter immediately took out his phone and took a picture of them. Tony looked over the picture and back to the royal trio.

"Would you look at that, Point Break. Looks like you're the odd one," he grinned as Thor let his siblings go and stared at them. Both Hela and Loki have black hair, green and black attire and they have horn like helmet. Bruce looked at them and wondered how Thor would react. Thor just grinned, "That just means I'm special, my dear friend!" Tony laughed and just nodded his head while the two black haired siblings rolled their eyes, but there was a fond look on their face.

"Sir, the pizzas have arrived," F.R.I.D.A.Y chimed. "Thanks, baby girl!" Tony exclaimed.

They had dinner together while watching more movies. All of them were actually having a good time. Hela acted cold but she honestly felt happy because she never done any of this before. Loki felt the same and Thor was joyful that his siblings starting to fit right in. Valkyrie and Bruce truly enjoy their time together as a team and well, as a family. Tony and Peter could only smile fondly at their now growing family.

"Hey dad?"


"What are we gonna say to Pepper about them?"


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