Some explanation

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Hey guys! I'm back! :D
I'm really sorry for the late update and I must warn you that this chapter would be confusing
Do let me know if you need me to clear anything up.
I hope you do like the chapter!

Tony's mind was working miles away as he thought about all the ways he was going to shred the bastards who took his daughter away from existence. He had his own suspicion about who were the most likely to kidnap his daughter. It was either Hydra or Ross. He pretty sure it was the former, after all, he did know that his daughter had always been targeted by those assholes. For now though, he needs to think about the Vulture, Adrian Toomes. He wondered how that man escaped from the prison, it wasn't even an ordinary prison, it was equipped with security measures made by his own hand. The only way he could get out was having and insider to help him out. Tony was brought out from his musings when he heard Rhodey called for him.


"Right here, Rhodeybear. Sorry, I was thinking on how I should destroy whoever the hell thinks kidnapping my daughter is a good idea. So, did you say something?"

"Yes, and as much as I know we should find Aiden, we need to figure out about Toomes first", Rhodey said and Tony looked at him. "That's what she would want, really... her last message was 'protect him'. I'm sure that she didn't mean protect Darwin... she meant protect Peter because I know she already knew that something was up..." Peter turned too look at his dad. "She meant me?" Tony nodded.

"I noticed that when the issue about the Vulture escaping, she was already narrowing her eyes, like she knew that something is wrong. Her senses must have been all over the place and it got worst when she arrived at her mansion," Tony explained. "I noticed that... that sis was actually being cautious when she arrived there. Another thing is, with her enhanced speed and strength including having her elemental powers, she could actually get out of there even before the explosion," Peter said. Both Tony and Peter looked at each other with sudden realization.

"She was waiting for it, she knew what would happen. She didn't save herself on purpose because she knew that something will happen," Tony said and Peter looked at Pietro and Peggy. "Back when you guys were still under Hydra clutches, did they ever tell you guys about their plans? I mean people like them always have this stupid villain monologue, revealing their secrets," Peggy thought for awhile before answering. "I don't know much but I did hear one of the lackeys talking about the main person they wanted to revive back to life," all eyes were on her. "Who?" Pepper asked and Peggy's eyes looked haunted.

"They wanted to revive the genius mind that came before Tony," was all she said and Tony's eyes widened. "They... they're planning to revive my dad?!" His eyes were full of fear. "Please don't tell me they wanted to use my dad to make weapons for them," Peggy was silent. "I think.. that's exactly what they wanted," Pietro said softly.

"But, I thought the young wolfling said that her mission is completed?" Loki asked and all heads turned towards him. "Didn't she say that? That her mission is accomplished? That's the reason she's back, is it not?" Tony started to shake his head. "No... no there must be something else that she's not telling us..." Peter looked at the Black Widow. "Do you know anything about her missions?" Natasha thought for awhile before shaking her head. "All the things I've dumped in the internet during SHIELD's fall contains no information about her. I didn't know that she worked with SHIELD until today," she frowned. "Fury must have been hellbent on keeping her a secret," she stated.

"Well, I guess I need to give our pirate a call later on," Tony said and sighed heavily. He smiled when Peter pat his back gently. "We'll find her dad, we will deal with them after we deal with Toomes. Who knows that they might be a connection between them," Peter said and gave his dad a brief, yet warm hug. "Alright kiddo, thank you Pete," Peter smiled as his dad. "We'll do this together and by together, I mean all of us will work together to make a proper plan and not leaving anyone or brushing off other people," he looked at Steve pointedly when he said that. Steve, feeling chastised, looked down.

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