Memories (3/3)

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Peter's eyes widened before a massive grin form on his face as he jumped up to hug May. "She's coming back! May, May! She's coming home!" He was so happy and relieved that he lifted May a few inches from the ground, causing her to laugh fondly at her nephew. "Yes honey, I know," she gently ruffled his hair and he gave her his blinding happy smile. Tony chuckled as he watched Peter vibrating with a sudden burst of energy, again.

"But wait, what's in the box then?" Peter suddenly stopped and asked no one in particular as he looked at the box. Tony shrugged and went to open the box. There was a few stuff in the box. First, there was a video recorder, a photo album, some bracelets and necklaces and lastly, there was a wolf-like mask. Tony took out the video recorder and Peter gasped softly when he saw it. "That's hers! Aiden always brought her video recorder wherever she goes... and," he paused as he took a closer look at the video recorder in Tony's hands. "It seems like she upgraded it herself," he gently took it from Tony and press a button, immediately a small ball came out from it. The ball was floating and it looked like an eye. It was actually a second camera lenses for the video recorder. The ball beeped happily and floated around Peter and boobed his nose gently.

"Hello there," Peter chuckled. "Sis must have created you, didn't she?" The ball nodded and nudged the video recorder in Peter's hand. "What is it? Do you want me to play it? Does it have any videos in it?" The ball nodded again. Peter looked at Tony,"Dad, can we play it?" Tony nodded. "Of course we can. Knowing your sister, I'm sure she recorded almost everything that happened throughout her times with S.H.I.E.L.D," Tony took the cam recorder back from Peter and asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to transfer all the videos in the cam recorder to his own system. Once it was done, they gathered around the lounge as F.R.I.D.A.Y started to show them the first video in the cam recorder.

/A little girl was running towards the screen, squealing as a figure chased after her. "Darwin! Help me!" she exclaimed and immediately shrieked in delight when the figure scooped her up and blow a raspberry on her tummy, causing the little girl to laugh loudly. "I got you now, you little pub!" a male voice said, voice full of amusement and fondness. The camera focused on the two figure. One was a laughing little girl with silverish hair and a pair of blazing red eyes. The person who was holding her was none other than a young Tony Stark.

" 'nee! Down! Down! No tickling!" the girl, Aiden squealed as Tony tickled her. "Nope! This is your punishment for eating the cookies before dinner!"Tony laughed as Aiden tried to swat his hands away. "Now, are you sorry?" he asked and Aiden nodded her head. "Yes! Yes! I'm sorry! I was hungry and the cookies look delicious! I yield!" she exclaimed dramatically.

"You cheeky little wolf," Tony chuckled as he put her down and she immediately gave him a wolfish grin. "Darwin! Can I help you with dinner?" she asked as she smiled sweetly at the person behind the camera. "Of course you can, young mistress," Darwin said and Aiden pouted. "Darwinnnnn," she whined, "Don't call me that! It makes me feel like I'm a... a... s..snob! Yeah it makes me feel like I'm a snob! Arrogant! I'm not!" she grumbled and the camera was cast downwards on her as Darwin gently ruffles her hair. "As you wish, little Aiden," and that brought a happy grin on the little girl's face.

"Alright you two, let's start dinner and then we'll watch a movie, is that good?" Tony asked as he picked the girl up. "Yup! Oh! I forgot to tell you about Peter!" Tony hummed, "Yeah? Did you play with him?" Aiden giggled. "No silly! Baby Peter is still a baby! He can't play with me yet! But he did smiled at me when I held him! Peter is small, smaller than me!" Tony grinned at that. "So, you're his big sister now, right?" Aiden nodded excitedly. "So that means, you need to look after him. Can you do that?" Again, she nodded. "Of course I can! I'm Aiden Luna Hunter, and the Hunter can do anything!" she cheered. "That's right sweetheart, you can do anything you want as long as it's good," Tony smiled softly at her and chuckled when Aiden kissed his cheeks. "Love you 'nee 'nee!"

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