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(3rd pov)

It had been a month since the faithful day Tony and Peter made their promises. Ever since that day, they have become much closer. Everyone noticed how close the two have gotten and they were actually pleased to know that Tony and Peter could rely on each other now. May was grateful to know that Tony was really sincere on being there for Peter. Sure, she was pissed at what Tony did, and she was even pissed at Peter for lying and hiding things from her. But, she knew her nephew wouldn't ever stop being Spiderman. She was worried, but that seemed to ease a bit when she knew how Tony was always trying his best to help Peter out. Pepper, Rhodey and Happy were glad to know that Tony wasn't dealing with his problems alone. They knew they shouldn't rely on Peter, a fifteen years old kid, to help a grown up like Tony. But, they all knew that Tony would only open up to Peter, just as how Peter only open up to Tony. Peter himself was happy when Tony, his all time favourite idol, accepted his help. Tony, was just as happy as Peter was being. Both felt glad that, even if other people couldn't understand them or could help them that much, at least that have each other.

Peter was having a good month for once in his life, it was like ever since he had a heart-to-heart talk with Tony, everything was easier for him. It was like, a huge boulder of all shitty things were lifted up from his shoulder and he couldn't feel thankful enough. But, that doesn't mean the good month would last forever. Peter knew it wouldn't last, especially not when he was in school, with Flash bugging the hell out of him in the school hallway as he was on his way to his class.

"Hey, Penis! How's your internship going? Oh wait! You don't have one because all you ever do is lying! Just like how you're lying about your internship with Tony Stark and about you knowing Spiderman. Come on Penis, nobody wants to hang out with you except for some pathetic morons," Flash sneered.

Unfortunately, Michelle Jones, a.k.a MJ, was actually hanging around Peter and Ned at that time and since she obviously heard what Flash said, she turned to glare at him. "Oh, so I'm a pathetic moron now, Flash? In case you forgot Eugene, I'm the leader for our Decathlon team and both Peter and Ned are obviously smarter than you. Not to forget that you're not even that smart, Eugene," MJ said it with a bored face and in a 'I-don't-give-a-shit' tone that made all three men, stared at her. Flash immediately collect himself and glared at her.

"What? Since when did you hang out with Penis Parker and Fatty Leeds?"

"Since I know that hanging out with you will only drop me down to your level of stupidity," MJ said dryly. To say that both Peter and Ned were speechless was an understanding since nobody ever stood up for them. Flash just growled and walked away. Peter turned to looked at MJ. "Uh... th-thanks for that MJ. Y-you didn't have to do that, you know?" Peter said and when he looked at MJ with such sincerity in his eyes, MJ couldn't help but let a small smile spread out her face.

"Well, I honestly don't care about Flash and his stupid attempt at being a so called bully, but I was getting annoyed with his constant yapping. Also, you're welcome and you guys owe me now," she smirked. Peter and Ned just chuckled and told her that she could hangout with them. Especially since she managed to know about Peter's alter ego. Peter wasn't actually surprised when MJ casually asked him about it, one day after the Decathlon practice was over. He knew that MJ was really observant and he knew that MJ could put two-and-two together in no time. She's not their captain for nothing. Since then, MJ started to spend her time more around Peter and Ned, even when she said, "I'm just here to read peacefully" or "Don't mind me, I'm just sketching your face in crisis". They knew she likes having them around and they didn't mind it at all. All three of them when to their class and Peter tried his best to act like everything was fine.

Even before school started on that day, he was already feeling like shit. It was his 'off day' when he didn't know the reason why, he just felt like shit and he wanted nothing more than just spending his time with either Aunt May or with Tony. He felt worst when Flash kept on bugging him and even after MJ stood up for him and Ned, Flash was still being an ass. Peter was somewhat proud of himself for still being able to keep him cool. If not, he would already punch the living daylights out of Flash. Just as the bell rang to signal the end of the school for that day, Peter immediately jumped up and ran out from the class with Ned trailing behind him. Once he reached his locker, his spidey-senses flared up and he was immediately shoved against the locker by non other that Flash Thompson.

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