57 | Deception of Death

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The blue and maroon planet loomed in the deep shadows of space outside of the fogged window

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The blue and maroon planet loomed in the deep shadows of space outside of the fogged window. Its atmosphere was tainted with bleak energy that seeped from the very veins of pure evil. Hate radiated from its surface, signaling to both of the idle women that the one whom they were in search of was there. 

Ventress's followed the bounty on the scouter which took them halfway across the galaxy to Raydonia, a small planet with a low, agricultural population on the outskirts of the outer rim.

"When we land, we will need to move quickly" Ventress tapped a few buttons on the ships control panel in preparation for descent. Reflected light from the planet shined a deep, devastating red inside the cockpit of their ship "There's vegetation to cover us, but I can't risk him seeing us before we can catch him. He's clumsy and wreck-less, but that doesn't mean he isn't powerful"

Dakota sat beside her, fiddling with her newly acquired bionic fingers. His strength didn't strike the slightest bit of fear within her. After what he did to her people, all that she could think about was taking him down. Whether he fights back or runs, he will be dealt with and she was sure of it.

"Are you listening, Ky?" Ventress muttered, raising her eyebrow.

"I'm with you" she breathed in response, blinking to bring herself back to reality.

Ventress eyed the Jedi for a long moment before giving a deep sigh "alright" she pulled herself up from the seat and went to the back of the cockpit. Dakota lifted her head and watched curiously as she began to rummage through one of the supply drawers.

After searching through the pile inside the drawer, Ventress managed to pull out a slim, silver weapon. She gripped its handle tightly in her pale fingers and made her way back to Dakota "You may want this" she extended the item to her.

"My lightsaber" Dakota's eyes widened and she took her weapon slowly "You had it this whole time?"

"You certainly weren't in the position to use it"

Dakota ran her fingers over its delicate craft, noticing that her necklace was missing. Undoubtedly it was burned up in the ship crash. She pressed her lips into a thin line, feeling the heavy disappointment of losing one of the few pieces that she has of her older sister. She brought the saber to her chest, then looked up to Ventress "thank you"

"You won't have to use it" Ventress shrugged off her gratitude "You may be walking around now, but fighting is something you aren't ready for"

"I think I can manage"

"You'll manage to get yourself killed, maybe"

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