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*One month later*
It's been a month since I left the hospital. I was in there a few days after I awoke but I'm pretty stable now. The school year is halfway through with now. We are starting our second semester soon. Me and Tobias are on Okay terms. We have been talking about just being friends since we will probably be going to different colleges. "Tris!" I hear someone shouting, breaking me of my thoughts. I swivel around on my heel to be face to chest with Uriah as he pants for air "Oh My God *gasps* You *gasp* walk fast!" I laugh. "Sorry Uriah. Whats up?" He finally catches his breath. "The Sky! Duh! Um. No. I was actually wanting to know if you Wanted to come over later. I need advice on what To get Marlene for her birthday andddd I sortamaybereallyneedyourhelpinmathbecauseimfailing" I laugh and say "Okay and what? You spat that out so fast I couldnt understand..?" He rolls his eyes. "I had said And I sorta really need your help in math because im failing." He blushes from embarrassment. "Oohh. Sure! No problem! When?" He looks at the time on his phone. "After school. Meet me at my car." He states "ooh you ment today? Um. Sure! I will have to tell Tobias at lunch."
*.....One Hour Later.....*
Me and Tobias sit at our usual spot outside, each with an orange soda in hand. "So After school I'm helping Uriah pick out a gift for Marlene for her birthday and help him with math." I start out with. He nods curtly. The past week he has been acting some what rude to me but I just ignore it. "So. How did your writing assessment go?" I ask. He finally looks up and says in a montone voice "can we cut this small talk shit out?!" He swiftly grabs his bag and stands up, walking away. What the hell! I stand up and watch as he leaves me alone and walks back inside our school. Well then. I slowly gather my stuff and walk inside to see people staring at me wildly. I scrunch my face up in confusion as I walk to my locker to see pics of Me in a bathing suit plastered on my locker with words like "ugly" "fat ass" "dyke" and etc. in red across my locker. Water brims my eyes as I exit the school running away.
I end up at this park I used to go to as a kid. I sit there and cry. I know I cry over a lot but I cannot begin to explain how upset yet humiliated I am. No wonder Tobias was acting extremely strange today. He is probably embarrassed of me.
After a few hours of complete silence to myself I feel some presence beside me. "Blondie cooling off, yeah?" I hear his soft voice. Oh my god. My head shoots up. "Justin!"

Cliffhanger!!! Well sorta. But yay! I updated!! I know its short but yeah. Comment who you think Justin is and yea.

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