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"Goodbye Blondie. Love ya. Be safe. Please. I don't know if I will ever get to see you again." He stated as you cried, watching Your best friend leave.

*end of flashback*

"Oh. My. God. You're shitting me right now!! Oh my god!!! Justin!" I shouted as I basically choked him as I squeezed him into a hug while accidentally tripping ending up with me on top of mulch and him on top of me. We laugh and separate, both still sitting on the ground. "Still rambunctious little blondie as I remember. I've missed you!" I grin widely at him "and I've missed you Too!!! When did you get back?!" I shout at him. "Um. Almost a week ago. I actually just started school and I saw the whole hallway scene of you running out. I ran out after you. Wanted to make sure you were okay. But damn you run fast. I could barely keep up!" I giggle and stand up brushing dirt off my jeans. He smiles up at me while I help him up. "Wanna go catch up on the swings?" I ask him. "Only if I can push you." He states which I happily accept.
*time lapse an hour*
"Wait so you mean to tell me, your boyfriend was so much of a dick that he was rude to you because of what was on your locker?" Justin asks. "No no no. He's not a dick. But yes he was rude because of that ." I respond. Me and him were now laying side by side on the two connecting slides. I had decided to stop swinging after about 30 minutes. "Well. I say if he was that much of am ass, you should dump him figuring hes white trash. Just saying.." I look at him wide eyed "JUSTIN! You did not just say that!" I yell while snickering. "Aye, It's just the truth." He states calmly while smirking. Thats one thing I always admired about him, the way he can just freely speak his mind without giving a fuck. I just smile at him and slowly rest my eyes until I drift asleep.
*yes. Another 1 hour time lapse*
Where am I? I ask myself internally. I slowly peel open my eyes to find that I'm in my bedroom with Justin sitting on the ground looking at all the stacks of my CD's on the shelf. I smile sweetly at him. God I've missed my best friend.
{well. I know its very short but Yea. What do you think of Justin?}

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