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x Justin's P.O.V. x

Damn her music taste is good. I reach for the "Pretty.Odd." Album. I remember she used to love Panic! At the disco. Those were the days. I look up to see Tris staring at me with her gorgeous blue eyes. Shut up Justin she is just your friend. Your friend that you have liked forever. Shut up selfffff!!! I smile at her and slowly put the CD back on the shelf in its alphabetical order. "How'd I get home?" Tris asks sleepily as she rubs her eyes and stretches. I smile "I carried you. You feel asleep so I figured you'd want to be comfortable" I tell her. "Ohh. Thanks!" She giggles slightly. God how I could listen to her voice for hours. Okay I need to really stop thinking of her in that way. "Well now that you're awake I'm going to go home because it's getting late." I immediately regret it when I see her smile falter. "Yea. Okay! Well. Will I see you tomorrow?" I smile "of course you will. I will be glued to to your side all day." Her smile widens once again. "Okay. Thank you for today. See you tomorrow" she says standing up, stretching an kisses my cheek. I start to blush. Shitttt. She meant it innocently.
"Wait. Can I have your number?" I ask her quickly before leaving. "Yea!" She hurriedly writes it down on a tiny piece of paper. Damn. Even her Handwriting is perfect. "Thanks" I say and smile at her while I delicately place it in my pocket, not wanting to wrinkle it. "Well bye Blondie. It was good seeing you." I say as I pull her into a hug. Her smell was heavenly. "Awe It was great seeing you too. I missed you a lot Justin." She says into my chest. My heart grows warm and fuzzy and her voice and the way her arms are wrapped around my waist and her tiny head against my chest send chills down me. God that sounded girly. Wait. NO. JUSTIN. BAD. I cant have the feelings for her! I can't! She is my best friend. I'm not supposed to like her any other way. But I can't deny it. I will still love her no matter what I tell myself. Me an her break the hug and smile at each other. I tell her good night once more and leave. As I'm walking back to the park to get my car I ponder on the fact that she has a boyfriend. And how that boyfriend is not me. Once I arrive at my 2009 Red Toyota Corolla , I get in and turn it on, only to rest my head against the steering wheel before leaving. Why does she have to have a boyfriend that's an ass. I slowly raise my head back up and put the car into reverse an start to drive home. God. Im glad I got to see her again. I soon arrive home. Well apartment. My apartment. I had been saving my money since I was fifteen and once I turned eighteen I moved back here on my own. So like a week ago I finally got moved in. I already applied at the coffee shop down the street and I have a good feeling about it. I park in my space and walk up to the door. I live on the bottom level. I lock my car door and unlock my apartment door. I am greeted by Kim. Don't worry Kim is just my dog. Her actual name is Kimmy but yea. She is a Lab. "awe hi kimmy!" I say as I scratch behind her ears. I shut the front door and retrieve to the back door and let her out in my little fenced area. Kimmy is an older dog. I've had her since I was twelve. I leave the door open and go to grab my Iphone out of my book bag. Oh yea! Blondie's number!! I pull the thin slip of paper out as I admire her handwriting and add her as a contact. I decide to text her.
•Ayoo Blondie!-J
•Lmao Hey -T
•Whats up?-J
•Nothing about to go to sleep-T
•Awe. Okay. Get some rest. See ya tomorrow. Can I pick you up?-J
•8:45 Sharp. Nightt sleep well!-T
•Okay! You too!-J
Yes. I get to see her early tomorrow!!! I hurriedly set my phone down and walk over to the open door and call out "Kimmy c'mere!" She comes running inside and licks my leg. "Ew." I say under my breathe as I close the back door and lock it. I plug my phone in an go get ready for bed. I am so glad I came back. And boy does Blondie still look beautiful.

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