Christina Has Arrived

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Soon Enough my doorbells ring echoes through the house. "COMING!" I sit up and walk to the front door to reveal a frantic Christina. She grabs my ear and pulls me to the couch "Owwww, Christina That Hurts!" She mumbles sorry and we sit down. "Ok so Earlier I was at the grocery store." I nod
As in telling her to continue. "Ok so I saw Four." My heart skipped a beat at this. "And well I think he's cheating on you. But not with a girl. With a guy." OMG he's cheating on me. Wait! did she just say with a guy? a 'what the hell' moment just raced through me. "I'm sorry Tris, but I could be wrong it's just I saw him hugging another guy." I nod as tears pour down my face. After that I tell her to leave. She nods and leaves. I pull out my phone and dial his number

Four: "Hello?"

Tris *while still crying*: "are you cheating on me?"

Four: "wha...what? what do you mean? where would you get that idea?"

Tris: "Christina said she saw you hugging someone in the grocery store."

Four: "ohhh" *chuckles* "No Tris I'm not cheating, that's my cousin that has been away on work business for over five years and he supposedly returned last week and I saw him there so Yea we hugged and talked for a few minutes. He is still at my house if you wanna come meet him. I've told him LOTS about you!"

Tris: *chuckles* "sure I'll be over in a few. And sorry. Bye. Love you. "

Four: "it's fine! bye and I love you too Tris and always will!"

With that we hang up. Never trust Christina in the matters of a relationship.

A:/N: Ok, so this isn't "the" Plot twist I was going for but oh well! Comment and tell me what you think is going to happen next!

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