The phone call

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I click the green phone picture which calls people.


"Christina -"

"Oh hey tris!"

"Don't hey me. When the hell were you planning on telling me you were pregnant? and not by will!"

"I uh....."


Christina's pov

"I uh....." I stutter. How the hell did she find out?! Damn. I thought that since I said I saw four hugging Trevor even though I knew it was his cousin I thought that she would get mad, not talk to Four and not meet Trevor who would spill the beans to her. God damn! now she's gonna tell Will! crap! he's gonna be soooo upset with me. I screwed up big time!

"Don't stutter Christina. When were you going to fucking tell me that you were pregnant?! were you gonna tell me when it was visibly obvious?! Because that is not a smart choice!"

I don't know what snapped in me at that moment but I burst we out crying. "I'm sorry Tris... I really am. I just found out and I screwed up bad. REAL bad. Everyone hates me and my baby will have to deal with the bitchiest mother on the god damn planet!" I yelled while crying my eyes out.

I hear tris sigh and say. "No Christina. You'll be a great mother. And I know you screwed up that's why I'm being so hard on you because I love you like a sister that my mother never actually gave birth to. And no everyone loves you Christina, you're a wonderful person don't doubt yourself it's just those god damn Hormones!" She says. We both lightly chuckle. I know she's right about the hormones. "Tris?"
"I love you like a sister too"
"Thanks sister from another mister"
with that we both laugh. "Well I got to go. I got to beat the persons ass that got you pregnant." Tris says I laugh and say "Ok, bye tris and thanks for being a great friend"
"Bye Christina and Thanks for being a great friend." With that we hang up. I am so lucky to have her as a best friend.

Tris' pov

"Ok Trevor I need to have a word with you." He nods his head as if to continue speaking. I laugh inwardly at his oblivion. I stand up and walk up to him and knee him in the crouch. "OUCH! damn that hurt like a bitch!" He yelled. "Yea, and so will Christina pushing a baby out of hers!" I yell back. He glares at me and I smirk back while Tobias is sitting on the couch laughing his butt off.

A:/N: Sooo I hope you liked the rest of they're conversation. I got bored so I stopped writing. The next chapter I'll probably post tomorrow. Comment and vote if you liked it please! And sorry about the language it's just that they were fighting so that's why lol.

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