𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 ⇁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1258

It was 8 AM in the morning, and it's been a few hours since the trio said goodbye to Annalise. Y/n has been feeling quite downcast since, but she comforted herself with the knowledge of her staying with Tommy and Ghostbur. Her melancholy mood soon diminished though, because her ghost friend insisted on discussing his joys of her coming back.

"It's really great to see you Y/n! The others and I missed you very much, and they'll be so glad to meet you again!" He announced lightheartedly, grinning from ear to ear. "It's so cool how we're both ghosts now, and I won't be the only one that's not able to touch water. And the best part is, my favorite person is back!"

She felt rather touched by the message, her thoughts of Annalise temporarily forgotten as she focused on the words Ghostbur had said. At least she knew that two people were glad she was back and missed her, and who knows? Maybe even more. She was also quite surprised to hear that she was his favorite person, but she brushed it off thinking it was just a lie to make her feel welcomed. She had to admit though, it worked.

Tommy was equally as pleased she was back, and showed his support every step of the way. "Yep, people'll be ecstatic you're back! Just imagine their reactions to seeing you, when practically the whole nation grieved for you. And you should've seen how sad Dart was! Uh, you remember Dart right? The kid who really liked you? The one who helped us win over L'manberg?"

Y/n only shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows. She was beginning to think that she finally knew it all, but she guessed she didn't.

"That's alright, Y/n." The brunet assured, bouncing happily through the plains. "I suffer from the same problem, and I can help you remember things since you helped me! What do you want to know?"

"Thanks Ghostbur. I want to know mostly everything, good or bad." She stated with confidence, determined to know everything she had forgotten.

"Ah, well, I can tell you the good things and Tommy can tell you the bad ones." Ghostbur gave a small nervous chuckle, as the child nodded in confirmation. "Do you want to know the good or bad ones first?"

"The good ones, please. I would like to know the general stuff first, like my last name and who my parents are." The ghost requested, hoping to know a bit about herself first.

"I know your last name is L/n, but I'm not so sure who your parents are." He informed, trying to remember the rest of the hidden information. "I know Alivebur must've known, so it should be in my memory somewhere."

"Alivebur? Who's that?" Y/n asked, raking her memory for someone named Alivebur as Ghostbur spotted Logstedshire and happily went over there, leaving both of them behind.

"It's Wilbur. That's what Ghostbur calls him." Tommy notified before adding."You remember Wilbur, don't you? It'd sure be nice if you didn't though."

"Yes, I remember Wilbur." She confirmed with a nod. "The things I remember of him are rather peculiar."

"Do you remember what happened on November 16th?" The kid asked, his eyes reflecting the hatred he now felt.

"Uh, I don't remember the certain dates of my memories. Can you describe what happened during that time?" The ghost requested.

"Well, we found out there was another traitor." The blue eyed boy growled, replaying the scene in his head.

"The traitor was Wilbur, wasn't it?" Y/n guessed, frowning.

The blond let out a dry chuckle before giving her a thumbs up. "Yup. I'm guessing that's the only thing you remember of him?"

"No actually, I remember a few more things." She shook her head, then explained another memory of him. "I remember being in some sort of ravine with buttons covering the floors and walls. I think you were the one who brought me here, and you were saying something about Wilbur going insane. And then I saw him, and he told me we were blowing up L'manberg."

"Ah, so you remember that too. Those are considerably unfortunate memories you have of there." He said, shooting her a sympathetic look. "He was a pretty nice man before that, all things considered. You know, he was once your best friend."

"Mhm, it was quite hard to believe it too. I also remember spending time with him when we were younger. We were in a shed, and it was raining. We were making business ideas about some sort of flower crown shop, and then we had a challenge of chopping down trees. I have to admit, young Wilbur was pretty weak." The ghost let out a small laugh as Tommy joined.

"He still is. I'm still surprised he managed to explode a whole nation." The kid remarked, sighing. "He wasn't the same after we got exiled."

"It was a scary time for you both, wasn't it?" She assumed, feeling quite bad for him. He was just a kid, after all.

The blond was about to shake his head, before thinking better of it. He already spilled his guts to her before, so what's the use of lying again? "Yeah."

"You did well, though. You thought fast and acted fast." Y/n complemented, before adding. "Also, this is not out of pity. I mean it. To be honest, I would've done much worse."

"I doubt it. You're one of the most agile I know. You'd probably be able to escape them without a single injury." The blue eyed boy reckoned, honesty filling the tone of his voice.

"Come on, we both know I'd probably just trip over a branch and give 'em the time to kill me there." She joked, as Tommy nodded sagely.

"You probably would. So you really don't remember Dart?" He asked, a disappointed look in his eyes.

"No, I don't. I'm sorry." The ghost apologized, feeling utterly hopeless.

"It's alright. I'm sure you'll remember him when you see him." The blond reassured, thinking of the kid. "I have mass respect for him. He let us cut the line at Niki's bakery after we convinced the nation Ghostbur wasn't bad. And there was this one Karen who kept dissing us, but I shut her up. Do you know what I said, Y/n? Well, I said these exact words. 'You're not being very live, laugh, love right now.' The reaction she had was absolutely priceless! You should've seen her- well, remembered her actually. Do you know why I said that? It was because she had those cheap live, laugh, love shirts on. It was such a bright color of pink that it almost blinded me. Oh, hey do you remember Jared?" He asked, restraining his laughter.

"Jared?" She repeated, dumbfounded.

"Yeah, you know, the one who said he was married to you and such." The child explained in a-matter-of-fact tone as the ghost gave him a look of pure confusion mixed with disgust.

"Huh? What are you saying? Last time I checked, I wasn't married to anyone." Y/n spoke, perplexed.

"You should scare him when you're back in L'manberg! Oh, I'd pay so much to see his face!" Tommy started laughing his usual barking laugh, as the ghost just stood there, having had no idea what was going on.

Once he had calmed himself, he added with a smirk.

"His ugly ass face."



Thank you for reading this filler-ish chapter!

I hope you enjoyed! :>

Have a great day!

𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 (Ghostbur X Reader) 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐 - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now