🏡 The Parents 🤦‍♀️

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(Artwork cover is by itz_atsuya on Instagram and can also be found here on wattpad!)

Hailey's POV
I hope everything is ok with Jake. I wonder why his parents are picking him up so early today. "HAILEY!" Zander shouted. Hailey was startled, "What Zander?" "It's time to go home!" Already? I must've been daydreaming about Jak- I mean no one! You were daydreaming of no one Hailey! I packed my belongings into my backpack quickly and saw Luke and Zander holding hands, waiting on me. "Sorry, I think I just dozed off for a bit." Luke replies with "That's ok, Hailey!" He gave me a warm smile. We walked home and Luke went his route halfway. "Hey, Dad! Hey, Mom!" I said. "Hello sweetheart!" my dad said as he was helping 'mom' with dinner. "What we eating today, Mom!" Zander said. She was making some spaghetti with a side of grapes which was Zander's favorite. Not necessarily the spaghetti, more for the grapes 🍇. (This is cannibalism).

"So, how was y'all's day at school?" Zander's mom asked me and Zander. "It was ok, I guess. I got to see Luke today which was really only good thing about today." Zander replied. Zander's mother gave him a bit of a smirk but moved onto me. "How was your day, Hailey? Anything interesting happened? Any boys have caught your eye recently." I almost chocked on my food when she said that. My face was bright red. "So there is a boy?!?" Zander's mom got more excited. "N-No! Of course not!" "Are you sure?" My dad and Zander said at the same time. "Yes I'm sure!" There was no guy I was interested in, I'm sure of it. "What about the guy you were with during your band stuff." Bethany said. "Jake, is just my friend, that I invited to be in the club because he could really help us out at the band competition. Nothing else." Zander really had to say next was "Who said that we were specifically talking about Jake? All we said is a boy..." I could feel my face getting bright red, so I walked out of there and into my room.

"Yeah, she definitely likes him. Last week she couldn't take her eyes off him during gym." Hailey screams from her room, "I can still hear you!" Hailey tried her best to go sleep to forget about this embarrassing night.

Meanwhile with Jake, around the same time...

Jake's POV
"Ok, I think we are good for now!" the doctor said. She puts bandages on my arm they put the shots in. I roll down my sleeve, and my arm was pretty sore. "Does it hurt?" she asks. I responded "Not really, it's just sore." She smiled and gave me a lollipop, just as if I were a kid again. It made me smile. "See, you didn't die..." my mom says sarcastically.

A few minutes before.....

"Mom, Dad, what if I die in there. What if they give the wrong shot or they give to many and I die...." Jake's parents look at Jake with a judgment face. "You'll be fine, sweetie! And we'll be waiting outside." "Why can't you come with me? You always did when I was little." Jake's mom giggles "Yes, but you were little you are 16 years old now. You're old enough to go in alone..." Jake's face saddened, and his mother reassures him that it will be ok and that if gets scared of the needle to just not look at it. Jake feels more calmed by her advice. Jake's name is called on, and he goes in to get his yearly shots.

Present Time
"Haha, very funny!" Jake said. They go out to eat at a restaurant, since Jake's dad got a raise at his job. "So how was your day at school, dear?" His mother asked. "Ok, I guess... pretty much the same as usual." Jake said sounded kinda down. "I hung out with my friends, went to class, crashed into a girl in the halls—" Jake gets cut off by his mom. "Wait you bumped into a girl? Who is this girl?" "I don't think you know her. Her name is Hailey.... Hailey Austin. She's the president of our school's music club, which I joined recently." Jake's mother asks "Is the girl that you've been talking about these past few, idk, years." Jake kind of blushed at the question, but corrects his mother by saying that's a different girl, named Daisy. He tells his parents how he joined the music club and how he was encouraged to join by Daisy. How he wanted to impress her, and he kinda wanted an excuse to sing without getting made fun of. And he then goes in and talks all the members and goes more into depth about Hailey. More than the other members, described every detail about her and started to doze off a bit. "She is a very talented singer, but doesn't really show it. But I wish she did because..... she sounds amazing... almost angelic..." "Seems like you know a lot about her, considering that you've been in the club for a few weeks. You both have lots interest, more than that 'Daisy' girl.... Especially music..." his father pointed out.

"Do you like her, too?!?" his mother said. "N-no, we are just friends. Besides I like Daisy, and we never had the best relationship throughout the years.... because of me." He mumbled the last part under his breath. "Well Jake, things can change. You never know what can happen next..." his father said. They changed the topic and continued eating there meal. They laughed and told stories. But Jake started thinking about his relationship with Daisy and Hailey. Could he be in love with both? Was is it the feeling of pressure? Or did he love Hailey more than a friend? No, Hailey is just my friend and nothing. And even if I did like her, there's is no chances of us working out.

(Sorry this took so long to get out... I kind didn't know what to do for the rest so I kind of made it up as go. Sorry that it's short, I'll try to get a longer chapter out next time, but no promises. Ok, bye guys! Have a good day and happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈)

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