📦 Unprepared 🧾

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It was Friday and the competition was just right around the corner. Everything was pretty much as it used to be before all the madness. Though there was still tension between Hailey and Jake. They tried to be as normal as possible around each other and put what happened in the past. Remaining just friends since they don't want to ruin their friendship again.

"Can everyone just calm down, real quick?" Hailey said. It was still pretty chaotic in the music club, and Hailey was just really stressed. "Ok. We have our song written, instruments are all good, and....." hmmm.... i feel like we are missing something. "Hey Hailey, have the costumes arrived yet?" Milly said. Frick! I forgot all about the costumes. " Hailey nervously giggled. "No. They should be here by tomorrow....." she smiled nervously.


Jake is listening to his music and walking around the hallways. He hadn't seen Drew since Monday, and even though he was not his friend anymore, he just wanted him and the rest to be ok. "AH—" someone yelps. Jake gets thrown to the ground by someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry Jake!" Hailey said. He started laughed so hard that he starts crying tears of joy. Hailey sat there with a judging face. She grabs a book she was carrying and hits him with it. "OW!" Jake yelped. "That's what you get for laughing at me." She replied. Jake gives her a grouchy face and gets up and helps Hailey up too. "What were you even doing with all those books anyway?" Jake asked. "Well I was asked by the teachers to put these in storage." Hailey replies. "And also I'm just trying avoid the club because they will keep asking about the costumes. Which I still haven't ordered yet, and then I still have to make sure to get your vocals on the song in time, and why I'm telling you all of this...." Hailey collapsed onto the floor with her screaming in frustration. "I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO AND I DONT KNOW HOW IM GOING TO PULL ALL OF IT OFF!!!" Hailey sits up and starts to bang her head on the locker. "Hailey, don't do that!" Jake stops her from banging her head repeatedly. "If you need help, I'll have you know that I have plenty of free time and can help with pretty anything you need to do for the competition." Hailey looks up with a look of relief. "Really?" Jake nods his head and helps Hailey up again. "I can order the costumes and make sure they come on time, if you'd like." Hailey smiles and gives him a big hug, "thank you, Jake...". They stare into each other's, "Ok, let me actually go do what I have to do!" Hailey says. Jake and Hailey go on and do their things.

With the rest of the club...

"Do you guys think they will get together after the competition?" Milly asked. "Well, with everything that has happened recently. I think it's best for them to be friends and give each other time to cool down." Luke said. "And who knows, maybe they might fall out of feelings by then and move on to other people." Sean said. "I just wish those two dorks would get together because they are are made for each other!"

Milly groaned and pouted. Hailey entered the room and everyone stared at her. "Are you guys ok?" Everyone nodded yes. "Well anyways, Sean I need your help with editing the song and adding Jake's vocals. Do you think we can do that after school?" Sean replies "Sure thing, Hailey!" Hailey leaves the room. "You're telling us if anything happens between them." Milly said to Sean. They pound each other's fists.


Jake is on the phone with the costume maker for the band competition, "Do you think it come a bit sooner than that?" Jake says on the phone. "Sorry sir, but since this was on short notice I don't think it will be possible for them to be done by that day." Jake sighs and hangs up. Hailey is going to kill me. "Hey, Jake!" A girl says. It's Stacy! "Oh, hey Stacy! Do you need anything?" Stacy giggles softly and replies "No actually, but I was gonna ask you the same thing. I didn't mean to overhear your conversation on the phone but you needed to get costumes for the band competition?" Jake blushes at the fact that she basically knows how they are very unprepared for the competition. "Uh- yeah.... Hailey had forgotten to do it and I offered that I'd help her with the costumes but they won't come on time so we are kind of screwed right now." He chuckles nervously. "Well, I think I know some people that could help you..." Jake is confused. "The drama club has a costume manufacturer and I'm sure she would be glad to help you out. And I think Daisy might able to help you as well. She has experience in sewing." Jake is pretty shocked with this news. He finally found a solution to this problem. "Wow! Thank you, Stacy I really appreciate it!" Stacy smiles "Just come to the drama club after your rehearsals!" Jake nodded.


Sean, Hailey, and Jake met up back in the club room and it actually went pretty normal. They hung out like normal and laughed. Hailey and Jake didn't flirt with each other like the usually did a few weeks back. Seems like Sean had a very boring story to tell Milly afterwards. They got everything they needed for the competition, well expect for the costumes but they were gonna get made afterwards. Sean packed up his stuff and left waving goodbye to Hailey and Jake. "So did you get a hold of the costume manufacturer?" Jake sighed and explain the whole thing. They meet Stacy and Daisy at the drama club room. "Hey!" Jake says. "Come on in guys!" They make their through the club members to find the costume maker. "Hmm... She should be here somewhere." Daisy said.  She decided to ask the club members for where to look for her. They eventually found where she is which is behind a curtain. "Hey, Sadie!" Stacy exclaimed. ".....what do you need...." she said a low and soft tone. "Well you see we need your help in making some costumes for the music club, they need for the band competition on Monday." Stacy explained. Jake stepped in and said "We know it's such short notice, which is why we all offer to pitch and you so it'll be done by Monday." Sadie stared at them before saying in her voice like she normally does "....do have any...type of concept sketch for the costumes?..."

2 Weeks Ago

"So, what are we gonna do for our costumes?" Milly asked. "Well I'm pretty we can wear what fits our personality the best." Hailey gets out a journal "Why don't we all just make a design in the notebook that way the seamstress can get an idea of what we want!" Everyone agrees and they each take turns drawing in the notebook and sketching. They all came up with beautiful designs. It came down to Hailey and she didn't really know what she wanted to wear. She couldn't think of a design, she just made a simple t-shirt and pants design.

Present Time....

Sadie flipped through the designs, "Hmm..." she said. ".....interesting...." she mumbled. They started to make the costumes and didn't even finish by the end of the day. Each person took 1 of the unfinished costumes and took it home to work on it some more. Jake took his design since he wanted to add some more detail to it. "Hopefully I can get this done by tonight." He puts on some music from his Spotify playlist and gets to work. He was pretty done with his costume but he wanted to add some jewelry or just something to tie it all together. Hmm... I think I have the perfect necklace in my backpack. As he is trying to find the necklace, he sees a page of one of the designs. Oh... I must've grabbed on accident while I was gathering my stuff at school. Huh? It's Hailey's costume design, but it's such a simple design. It doesn't represent who she is at all.....

Maybe he could do something about it~

Ok, I know it's been like 2-3 months since I haven't updated this story. Kind of forgot about it, not gonna lie. I have been writing this chapter for almost a month, on and off because I could not figure what I could do for this chapter. Anyways, hope you enjoy! I'm ok! I'm still alive just been procrastinating this whole time... I'll to finish the next chapter ASAP....

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