📈 Epic Fall 📉

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The Next Day

"Where do you leave it?" Zander asked. "It should be in here, I had it yesterday!" The bell rings, "Come on, Hailey, you can look for it later in the music room..." Hailey closes her locker and they head off to class.

Hailey's POV

I had yesterday when we were writing lyrics, maybe it's in the music room. Hopefully, it's safe and sound there. I need to get that journal before somebody else finds it and reads it, especially Jake... crash

"Oh,! I'm so sorry-" Hailey looks up to see who it was. Just her luck, it was Jake, and his friends. "Oh, Hailey! Sorry, here let me help you up." He lends her his hand, she grabs onto to stand. "S-sorry Jake! I didn't look where I was going, I was kinda lost in my thoughts Drew, Liam and Henry leave, but before that push Hailey towards Jake which causes them to fall down. Could this day get any worse? "I'M SORRY!" she picks herself off of him and runs away into the bathroom. Oh my gosh, that was really embarrassing. I should've looked where I was going and none of this would've happened. Hailey bangs her head in the bathroom stall, and hears someone's voice. "Hailey? Are you okay? I saw you run in here and asked Jake what happened." Luke? Why was Luke in the bathroom? And why did he want to know what happened? "Yeah- I'm fine." there was silence "Anyways, why are you in here, Luke? This is the girl's bathroom, you're gonna get in trouble if they find you in here." Luke scoffs "I don't care if i get in trouble. I worried about you.... Hailey softly cries are you ok? Did they say something to you? Are you hurt anywhere-" He gets cut off "I'm fine, Luke... Just head to class before you're late." Luke is about to walk out, but he tells her "I'm not leaving until you leave, you're gonna be late again." Hailey leaves the stall and Luke gives her a hug, "If they're doing anything to you can tell me. You're Zander's sister and I have to protect you as well." Luke said, as he was whipping her tears away from her face. "Thank you, Luke. Now let's head to class, before we get in trouble." Luke and Hailey walk to their respective classes and luckily they were in the same class, but it's bad enough that Jake had that class as well.

(Yet again another short chapter, but hopefully I can make another one in a while.)

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