💙 In The Moment 🧡

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(Artwork cover by nio.ooi on Instagram)

The rest of the school week was pretty normal, not much happened. It was the weekend again, so they all went Hailey and Zander's house to practice once more. Especially with the band competition being 10 days away. They still had to work on recording the instruments, vocals, and especially the lyrics. They can't record vocals without lyrics.

"Ok, so today we will be recording the instruments to the mix that Sean made for the competition." Hailey said. She looks around the room wondering where Jake is. "Have any of you seen Jake yet?" she asks. "I'm here! Sorry I was a little late, there was a bit of traffic to get here..." Jake said, coming in through the door. Hailey calmed down a bit after knowing Jake was here, safe and sound. "That's ok, Jake! We are just now working on recording the instruments. Which by the way, we have to finish writing the song we were working on." Hailey said.

Sean was working on recording the instruments, first was Zander since his would the easiest to record. Milly was still tuning her guitar, and had to listen very closely to make it sound right. Luke was pretty much doing the same thing as Milly, but with his drums. Though he was looking for a drumstick that him and Zander dropped when they were practicing a few day ago. Since Zander wanted to learn and wanted Luke to teach him, though it didn't go so smooth. Hailey was trying to her acoustic guitar, incase they needed it. Jake was patiently waiting for Hailey, so they can write the lyrics together.

You could hear beautiful notes coming from the room. Zander's piano playing an extraordinary melody, Luke's drums (a.k.a baby, or Justin) making a nice sounding beat, and Milly's guitar playing awesome riffs. Hailey and Jake tried to come up with some lyrics, but due to the sounds they couldn't really focus so they sat and watch them play. "Got any more ideas?" Hailey asked. Jake nodded in disagreement and continued to watch the rest.

After they recorded their instruments....

"Ok, we are done with recordings for today!" Hailey said in monotone voice. "Yeah, all we need is some lyrics, then we can add Jake's vocals to the mix!" Sean said. Hailey seems kinda stressed about getting the lyrics done. Jake notices this behavior, and is quite concerned. "Oh, my mom made you guys some pastries! Last one there is a rotten egg!" Zander said playfully. Everyone was out of the room except for Hailey and Jake. "What's wrong, Hailey? Aren't you gonna go?" Jake said. Hailey tries to lie telling him everything was fine. "Hailey, you can tell me anything? Are you stressed?" "N-no of course not!" she lied. "Hailey, you're stressed. And the only reason I know is because you tend play with your bracelets when you're stressed." Hailey looked to he ground with a gloomy face. "Don't worry! We will get it done, and you have me to help you. And you can always to talk to me, Hailey..." Jake said as he puts his hand on top of hers. They stare into each other's eyes. Admiring each other's faces, with loving eyes. They both get closer.....closer......and...closer. Leaning in for a kiss.....

The door slams open startling them. "Are you guys coming or not?" Milly said. "Yeah, will be out there in a minute." Hailey said. She whispers to Jake "nothing happened between us just now, got it?" She walks out of the room, and doesn't look back. Jake wonders what had just happened and starts to question a lot of things.

(Hopefully this a bit longer than the last one, probably but it feels longer... what do you y'all think will happen next? 😏)

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