🕛 Is It The Right Time❔

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(Artwork by betty_buttons on Instagram)

"Opportunities neglected can never be recovered"

It was Saturday. The day that the music club has been ready for was finally here. Lots of drama, mishaps, and procrastination happened to the members, it's kind of crazy how they got through it all. Especially for Hailey and Jake. Would they have everything behind them and start dating or were they willing to wait a bit more?

The day of the band competition
It was around noon. The music club was helping Hailey get everything ready at the main concert hall where they would be performing. Getting the costumes, instruments, and other equipment they might need. "Ok! We just need to get Luke's drums and Zander's piano and we should be set!" Milly said. They had been transporting the instruments a little at a time since Sean's car couldn't carry so much material. "Luke and I are going with you..." Zander said. "Why? We've got it under control." Milly reassured him. Zander insisted on going since he doesn't trust us with his piano. The four of them go on a mini trip to get the remaining instruments. Hailey was left behind to answer questions to the people running the competition. Meanwhile, with Jake... "Oh.... shoot! I forgot I had to meet them up at the concert hall." Jake rushed to pack all of the things he needed to bring. His after clothes, costume, jewelry, and Hailey's costume. Wait..... Hailey's costume? Shouldn't Hailey have her costume?

Last night...
"Ok, I love Hailey and all, but what the hell is that type of design." Jake was already so tired but he decided to redesign Hailey's costume for the competition. He designed a cute black off-shoulder dress that he thought that Hailey would love... After he poured all his blood, sweat, and tears into the dress (literally) he finally finished it and was very proud of himself that he could even pull it off.

Present time...
Hailey was finally getting to relax a little after having to check everything was set. "HAILEY!" Hailey got up to check who it was. Jake was running backstage and bumps into Hailey. "Ow!" Hailey shouts. "Oh- Sorry, Hailey... For being late and hitting you just now but I was looking for you because I wanted to give you something for the competition." Jake said with excitement and worry in his velvet voice. "Oh, Jake... You didn't need to give me anything... I mean I accept the gift.... no I mean.... *sighs* just show me." Jake sits Hailey down on the vanity chair. He makes her close her eyes "Ready?!?" Hailey nods yes and opens her eyes. Her eyes are widened and amazed at seeing a sparkling black velvet dress. "When did you find the time to even—" Jake cuts her off "I stayed up all night working on your dress for tonight because I thought it was more your style." Hailey blushes at what he says. "Oh, Jake! But what if it doesn't look good on me, what if it rips when I get on stage and it's just a huge—" Jake calms Hailey down "Hailey, it would look amazing but it's your choice. If you are not comfortable with wearing a dress that's completely fine. Wish I had considered that before I started to make the dress. But it doesn't matter, you wear what you wanna wear." He gives Hailey a warm smile. "I'll wear the dress, and I kind of agree it will make me fit in with the others." Hailey hugs Jake and they look into each other's eyes. They both lean in closer to each other. Their lips touch each other, making them share a very special moment, their first kiss... They both smile with lovey-dovey looks. "Should we talk about you know... us?" Hailey said. "Maybe we should wait after the competition, hmm?" Hailey nods in agreement and they go to their dressing rooms and get ready for the competition.

Competition Time...
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the last school in this competition. Please welcome Sean Everett, Millicent Brooks, Alexzander Wickham, Luke Peterson, Hailey Austin, and Jake Sterling from Alabama High" (I got the idea from the Love Letter Game Fanfic because I didn't know what to name the school 😑). They get up on stage seeing the whole crowd of people including Drew and his gang. "Hello everyone!" The crowd was cheering for Jake and hyping him up. "We will be performing a song composed by the one and only Hailey Austin." Hailey gives Jake a look of shock. She starts to get shy while everyone cheers her on. They start the song with the catchy beat Sean had created.

just listen to the shortened version Mother Rosy made for us :)

Everyone cheered for them even Drew was cheering with Liam and Henry. The crowd settled down as the man from earlier comes up on stage "Now settle down everyone, it is now time to announce the winners in today's competition." All the music clubs that precipitated in the competition are now all on stage waiting for the results. "The winner of the competition is..." the suspense commences.

"Alabama High! Give them a round of applause!" The music club stood there in shock and just had a lot going on in their minds. Hailey takes the mic and gives a mini-speech. "I would just like to say that, thank you to everyone that showed up to see us perform and all of us couldn't appreciate you all more for that. I would also like to thank my music club members because we all worked hard, day and night to do our best. And also I want to thank Jake Sterling....." she hesitates, "for encouraging me to perform here tonight with all of you guys!" She puts down the mic. Everyone cheers for her and they get off the stage and go backstage. "OMG! WE WON!" Milly said. "I knew we could do it!" Luke said while hugging Zander. Hailey is smiling uncontrollably as she feels proud of how far she has come. "Hey, Hails?" Hailey turns around to see Jake. "Uhh, yeah, Jake?" Jake takes Hailey's hand and leads her outside of the concert hall. "Hailey, I've been meaning to say this since we were practicing at your house. I love you, Hailey! I have loved you for a very long time now but always set aside my feelings for you. But I'm done with all of that. I love you, and I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" Hailey is flustered at the words that came out of Jake's mouth. "Yes! I would love nothing more than to be with you!" Hailey brings Jake in for a kiss. They shared a lovely moment meanwhile the club members watched from a distance. Milly was on the floor fangirling and the rest were calm and just happy for the new couple. Hailey and Jake, we're finally together after all that was thrown in their direction. Jake tells Hailey "It's you and me against the world, princess..." 🎉

The End

Yes I know, it's been months but I finally finished this thing. IT'S NOT EASY WRITING A FANFIC! I hope you all enjoyed this fanfic!

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